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A Guide to Personal Hygiene Tips for Teens

A Guide to Personal Hygiene Tips for Teens
A Guide to Personal Hygiene Tips for Teens

Puberty is marked by crucial changes that a child’s body undergoes as a part of the transformation into adulthood. Sweating and body odors are some of the apparent symptoms during this transformation. As a parent, it is your responsibility to make them aware of these changes in advance and support them as they undergo these changes. Keep reading to know more hygiene tips for teens.

Hygiene Tips for Sweat and Body Odor

Many children do not want to shower every day, especially boys. However, when puberty sets in, kids sweat more than usual due to hormonal changes. While fresh sweat does not smell, it can build up on their skin or clothing. This increases the chance for bacteria to thrive and cause distinct body odor. So, daily showering and changing clothes will be necessary.

Some of the important personal hygiene tips for teens include:

Take a shower at least once a day

You can recommend them to use a mild soap with warm water and focus on the face, hands, feet, underarms, groin, and bottom. Explain to them the importance of washing especially the armpits or groin, where there are many sweat-producing glands in which bacteria can grow quickly.

Wear clean and breathable clothes

Wear clean clothes every day, including socks and underwear. Also, as a parent, you can buy cotton clothes for your kid. This material helps absorb sweat more effectively than most other fabric.

Change the bed linen every week to make sure it’s clean. Also, wash it with hot water to kill bacteria and other germs.

Use a deodorant or antiperspirant

Deodorants will get rid of the odor by covering it up, while antiperspirants stop or dry up the perspiration. They are available in the form of gels, sprays, and creams. You can buy them at the drug store or supermarket. 

Tips to Prevent Oily Hair

When an individual undergoes puberty, sweat glands and oil secretions make your kid’s hair greasy, shiny and oily. Washing hair every day, or at least every other day, will enable your child to control oily hair, thus, maintaining hygiene.

You can recommend the following hygiene tips for teens to prevent their hair from becoming excessively hair:

  • Wash hair with a gentle shampoo and clean water
  • Massage the skin gently to remove dead skin cells, dirt, and excess oil. Advise them to not scrub too hard because it could damage the skin
  • Use ‘oil-free’ products

By maintaining good hygiene and addressing sweat and oil, you can prevent also prevent acne and skin infections.

Tips to Prevent Skin Problems

Similar to the hair, your teen can also be affected by the change in their hormone levels. It could lead to greasy skin, clogged pores, pimples, and acne. Here are some hygiene tips for teens when it comes to their skin issues. 

  • Keep their skin clean by washing it gently twice a day.
  • Rinse off the soap or cleanser with warm water and dry the skin with a clean dry towel.
  • Using moisturizing lotion daily.
  • Try not to squeeze the pimples and only touch the face with clean hands.
  • Wash their towels regularly.

Things to Know About Shaving

When a teenage boy starts getting his first stubble, he’s usually overjoyed by the first signs of adulthood. Shaving is an important milestone in a teenage boy’s life. However, it may not be as easy as an overconfident teenager, brimming with hormones, may think it is. It is not difficult either, provided he shaves with care and caution.

It is a good idea for parents to help your teen shave, especially in the first few days. 

Below are some quick tips on shaving:

  • Buy razors that are specially manufactured for teenagers. Disposable ones may be too sharp for your teenager;
  • Make sure that he wets the skin with warm water correctly, applies shaving cream, and uses the razor gently.

Hygiene Tips for Teens for Oral Health

Teens, sometimes, are too lazy to brush their teeth at night. It not only leads to tooth decay but also causes bad breath. So, brushing  teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once before going to bed, is important for maintaining oral health. Doctors also recommend flossing 2 to 3 times a week. 

Teens can often be difficult and trying during this period as they act stubborn and experience frequent mood swings due to the hormonal changes. As a result, parents must extend patience.

As parents, you may be more successful in making them see reason through subtle persistence rather than by arguing with them. This may only push them away and create a communication gap. Remember, your child is on their way to becoming an adult and would thus demand that they be treated like one.

Learn more about Adolescence here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Importance of Teen Hygiene,, Accessed June 29, 2021

Hygiene for preteens and teens,, Accessed June 29, 2021

Hygiene basics for teens,, Accessed June 29, 2021

Teaching kids good hygiene,, Accessed June 29, 2021

Help your teen practice good hygiene habits,, Accessed June 29, 2021

Current Version


Written by Nikita Bhalla

Medically reviewed by Ruben Macapinlac, MD, DPPS

Updated by: Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

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Medically reviewed by

Ruben Macapinlac, MD, DPPS

Pediatrics · Philippine Pediatric Society

Written by Nikita Bhalla · Updated Sep 06, 2022

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