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Veneer Dental: How to Achieve Those Pearly Whites Permanently

Medically reviewed by Grazielle Millo-Paderes, DDM, MSc · Dentistry · Unihealth-Parañaque Hospital and Medical Center

Written by Kirsten Rocamora · Updated Jun 17, 2021

    Veneer Dental: How to Achieve Those Pearly Whites Permanently

    Everybody wants a healthy-looking smile, but a lot of us need help getting there. Whether your teeth are chipped, crooked, or badly stained, you might be interested in getting veneer dentals. This treatment is popular due to its versatility. It’s the preferred solution for many to hide dental imperfections, especially those with gaps between teeth and misshapen teeth. 

    That being said, it’s important to note that like any other dental procedure has its pros and cons. If you want to try veneer dentals, read on below to know exactly what they are and how they work. 

    What are Veneer Dentals

    In a nutshell, veneer dentals are thin shells attached to the front of the teeth. They can be likened to of clip-on nails, but permanent. 

    They look like natural teeth, too. Veneers are narrow at the base, where the tooth meets the gums, and wide at the biting end of the tooth. They are mostly tailor-made to match the shape, color, and contour of your teeth. The most common veneer materials include resin and porcelain, which blends in really well with the rest of the teeth. 

    While wafer-thin, veneer dentals are tough and long-lasting. As long as you don’t put them through unnecessary stress or strain, you should be able to enjoy its benefits for a long time. Always consult with your dentist first on what’s most appropriate to ensure effectiveness.  

    What are the Advantages of Veneer Dentals

    Apart from making your teeth look natural and healthy, there are many ways that getting a veneer will benefit you. Veneer dentals provide a solution to issues such as:

    • Crooked or misshapen teeth
    • Chipped teeth 
    • Gap in between teeth, especially the upper front teeth 
    • Discolored teeth that can’t be corrected by teeth whitening techniques alone 

    What Does a Veneer Dental Procedure Look Like?

    Getting a veneers usually takes at least two visits.

    In the first one, your dentist will inspect your teeth and check for fillings. A small amount of natural tooth material will have to be removed so that the veneer won’t look or feel bulky. You’re likely to be put under anesthesia so as to numb the pain. Preparation time varies among individuals depending on how damaged the tooth is. After, an impression will be made—this is made out of a putty-like material to make a mold of your mouth which helps your dental technician to know what veneer size and shape to make for you. Temporary veneers will be put until your next visit. 

    During the second appointment, temporaries are removed and the final veneer will be bonded using a special adhesive. 

    Downsides to Getting a Veneer Dental 

    Just like any dental procedures, it’s important to know some drawbacks to veneer dentals:

    Getting a veneer is permanent since it removes a thin layer of enamel before a veneer can fit. Doing so makes the teeth move sensitive to heat and cold. Veneers are tough but they are thin. 

    Moreover, don’t think of veneers as the only solution for badly failing teeth. Always consult with your doctor if you really need one or an entirely different procedure. 

    Veneers are usually made out of porcelain or composite materials. While tough on their own, they are still vulnerable to chip and crack. 

    How Long Will a Veneer Dental Last? 

    On average, veneers should last up to 15 years. But just like your natural teeth, these can also chip or break. You can still get cavities under and around veneers, so be sure to keep your teeth and gums healthy by brushing and flossing every day. To prevent breakage or chipping, avoid biting your nails or chewing on tough objects. 

    Key Takeaways 

    Whatever reason you may have for getting veneer dentals, always make sure to consult first with your dentist if it’s really the appropriate procedure for you. Go over the pros and cons carefully to understand what you’re getting into. Remember, it’s permanent, so it’s better to be safe and sure than sorry. Lastly, care for your veneers like you would your natural teeth. Clean them every day and avoid putting them under unnecessary stress or pressure. 

    Learn more about Cosmetic Dentistry here


    Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

    Medically reviewed by

    Grazielle Millo-Paderes, DDM, MSc

    Dentistry · Unihealth-Parañaque Hospital and Medical Center

    Written by Kirsten Rocamora · Updated Jun 17, 2021

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