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Myths About Dengue: Let's Debunk the Common Misconceptions

Myths About Dengue: Let's Debunk the Common Misconceptions
Myths About Dengue: Let's Debunk the Common Misconceptions

With dengue being one of the most widespread mosquito-borne infections known to mankind, it is only natural that some myths about the infection persist.

Dengue spreads when a person is bitten by an infected mosquito, usually of the species Aedes. With the infection being common in more than one hundred countries worldwide, with at least three billion people at risk, it is easy to think about how some misconceptions about the infection may be formed.

Here are a few dengue myths, and the truth behind them:

Myths about dengue

Myth #1: Any mosquito can infect you with dengue

False. Dengue can only be transmitted through the bite of a female mosquito belonging to the Aedes aegypti or the Aedes albopictus species. The Aedes species are also responsible for spreading the yellow fever, zika virus, and the chikungunya virus.

If someone is already infected with the dengue virus and a mosquito bites them, that mosquito can now carries the virus. After about a week or so, the same mosquito can then transmit the disease by biting a healthy, non-infected person.

The Aedes aegypti species is more widespread. Aside from their characteristic white markings on the legs, this species is a daytime feeder, which means that they are usually up and about early in the morning until before evening. People who only go out at night, even in areas that are traditionally hazardous, are less likely to be infected with dengue.

Myth #2: Papaya leaf is a certified cure for dengue

False. Papaya leaf extract is not a cure for dengue. Based on scientific investigation, papaya leaf extract may help promote platelet production. However, platelet counts are not the only concern when it comes to dengue and not every patient will experience low platelet counts.

There is currently no cure for dengue and treatment is mainly supportive with close monitoring for complications and warning signs. While a vaccine against dengue has been developed, other preventative measures such as vector control and protective clothing are some of the best ways to prevent dengue.

Myth #3: Having a low platelet count indicates that you have Dengue

False. Having a low platelet count is sometimes an effect of having dengue but it is not a sure indicator. Not every dengue patient will experience a drop in their platelets, while not every patient with low platelet count has dengue.

There are other reasons as to why your platelet count may drop. Other viral infections can cause platelet levels to drop, as part of the immune response. Even certain food and drinks that contain cranberry juice or alcohol are known to lower platelet counts. Cancer patients and those with anemia may also experience a drop in their platelet levels, either due to their condition or their medications.

Myth #4: You can only contract Dengue once

False. The dengue virus has four serotypes. You can be affected by a serotype once and become immune to it, but not the other serotypes. Dengue serotypes are identified as DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, and DEN-4.

Myth #5: Dengue Fever is harmless

False. The severity of dengue fever symptoms depends on the patient’s immune system and the impact of dengue on the person’s body. Dengue fever can be mild for some people, especially during their first infection. However, many secondary dengue infections tend to be more severe and require hospital admission.

Myth #6: Dengue only targets children and old adults

False. Dengue affects all persons regardless of age.

Whether you are at risk depends on the environment you find yourself is endemic for the Aedes mosquito. For instance, dengue is more prevalent in tropical regions such as Asia and Latin American countries.

Key takeaway

In conclusion, the myths about dengue perpetuated in media are sometimes unfounded. It is the responsibility of all to address these myths and misconceptions with facts, as it may impact the lives of people who are experiencing dengue.

Learn more about Infectious Diseases here.


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Dengue: Five things you need to know,
Accessed February 7, 2021

The myth breaker series on Dengue,
Accessed February 7, 2021

Dengue and severe dengue,
Accessed February 7, 2021

Accessed February 7, 2021

Dengue Fact Sheet,
Accessed February 7, 2021

Not all dengue patients with low platelet count need transfusions: Study,
Accessed February 7, 2021

Current Version


Written by Amable Aguiluz

Medically reviewed by Ika Villanueva Caperonce, MD

Updated by: Stephanie Nera, RPh, PharmD

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Medically reviewed by

Ika Villanueva Caperonce, MD

Infectious Disease · Makati Medical Center

Written by Amable Aguiluz · Updated Sep 01, 2022

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