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10 Symptoms of Smiling Depression

10 Symptoms of Smiling Depression
10 Symptoms of Smiling Depression

The saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover” cautions against judging someone based on their appearance. But it is also applicable to describing someone who displays a sunny disposition and happy exterior in public but is actually suffering deep inside. This is called smiling depression.

People with smiling depression may appear happy and content on the outside, often projecting a cheery vibe and a near-perfect life.

Inside, these individuals may be struggling with prolonged sadness or depression. The fact that they were able to conceal their difficulties may have increased their susceptibility to depression. Someone who seems to be joyful is less likely to receive assistance than someone whose suffering is more obvious.

Social media is reportedly contributing to this phenomenon, as it encourages the projection of perfection. It puts pressure on people to only share the positive aspects of life and hide the unpleasant ones. This only makes it all the more difficult to open up, seek help, and accept support.

How to Spot Smiling Depression 

Here are some ways we can spot signs and symptoms of smiling depression in ourselves or detect it in others. Through vigilant compassion, we can provide timely support and intervention.

1. Visible Efforts to Appear Happy and Content 

Depression does not have a single face. It varies from one person to another. And it may be diagnosed or not.

Sometimes, people with depression stick to the positive aspect of their behavior regardless of what they feel inside. They make an effort to mask how they are really feeling inside so others will not notice.

2. Feelings of Worthlessness

While it is natural to feel negative sentiments, prolonged sadness and a hopeless outlook towards life are some of the most common symptoms of depression.

This may evolve into feelings of worthlessness and emptiness, and a self-critical demeanor may develop with the individual asking “What’s the point?”

Those with smiling depression are able to avoid displaying these sentiments publicly. Such behavior may be clinical depression or situational depression.

Situational depression, also known as adjustment disorder with depressed mood, is a mood disorder caused by a stressor that represents a big life shift. A person with situational depression has difficulty dealing or adapting to a specific life experience.  Symptoms can hinder a person’s daily functioning. This condition often resolves in time and talking about it can ease recovery.

On the other hand, clinical depression is a more severe mental health condition and long-lasting caused by a disturbance in the body’s neurotransmitters, thus interfering with daily functions.

3. Loss of Interest in Activities 

Individuals struggling with smiling depression may not be interested in activities they once enjoyed. This is also a telltale symptom that one may notice when a loved one is suffering from depression. 

4. Changes in Appetite and Sleep Problems

Physically being unable to do an activity is one reason why someone with smiling depression may stop doing activities they once enjoyed. This may be because of an overwhelming feeling of fatigue due to too much or too little sleep, or changes in appetite.  

 5. Loss of Concentration

When a person has trouble concentrating, trails off during conversations, or loses their train of thought, these may be symptoms of depression.

6. Physical Pains

In addition to weight changes and fatigue, some physical symptoms of concealed depression to look out for include backache, chronic pain conditions, digestive problems, and headache, among others.

7. Avoiding Social Situations

Someone struggling with smiling depression may often cancel dinner plans with friends or loved ones. They may also prefer to be alone a lot, withdrawing from social situations because they are exhausted in making an effort to put on a happy face. 

8. Often Irritable

Being impatient, grumpier than usual, or irritable are a few subtle symptoms of smiling depression. This is even more relevant if the person was once easy-going, compassionate, and patient.

9. Always Tired 

Someone suffering from smiling depression may experience constant fatigue without any underlying cause. People with depression often feel very tired, and they will not be interested in doing any activity. Most of the time, they lack the energy or enthusiasm to do any task at all.

10. Turning to Coping Mechanisms

When depression becomes unbearable, one of the more evident symptoms of someone struggling with smiling depression is the sudden display of a coping mechanism. This may be in the form of alcohol consumption, compulsive shopping, or gambling.

How to Reach Out and Help

It is alright not to feel well if you are encountering challenges. You can be honest with yourself and others about having negative sentiments. You don’t always have to put up a brave front or look for the silver lining. Feel free to open up about your feelings to the people close to you or consider seeking professional help. 

Be watchful for these signs in yourself and in others. If you or someone you know is exhibiting these behaviors, it is worthwhile to check on them to let them know about your concern. Understand that what they are going through is valid, and they are not wrong for feeling the way they do. Let them express their feelings without judgment and remind them of your love. Listen actively, and offer emotional support. It is important to understand that those suffering from smiling depression, like most of us, seek love and acceptance.

Keep in mind that, sometimes, even the most well-intentioned people who care for a person experiencing depression can only do so much. Understand that one cannot simply talk another out of it. If they feel the need to seek medical attention or treatment, support them in their decision.


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Current Version


Written by Mary Meysil Carreon

Medically reviewed by Mae Charisse Antalan, MD

Updated by: Mae Antalan, MD

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Written by Mary Meysil Carreon · Updated Nov 15, 2022

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