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5 Household Products For A Healthy Home

5 Household Products For A Healthy Home
5 Household Products For A Healthy Home

Things that affect our health are not only the things that we put inside our body, but the things we surround ourselves with. Environmental factors can greatly impact our health and because of this, we should take great care in what we put close to us. Especially in the era of COVID-19, we have become more conscious of the effects certain products have on our health. In this article, we’ll be providing a list of household products that can contribute to a healthier environment. In this way, we will be giving ourselves and our loved ones a safer place to live in.

The importance of choosing eco-friendly products

Household products are items we use on a routine basis. Examples include appliance cleaners, disinfecting products (e.g., bleach), laundry detergent, paint thinners, pesticides, and motor oil.

Our current environment poses a lot of dangers to human health. You could be exposed to toxic substances such as mercury, asbestos, lead, and pesticides, among others. People are also exposed to air and water pollution and the effects of climate change. Indeed, these affect how we dispose of solid wastes, use our natural resources, and the damage to our ecosystems. If we happen to inhale or absorb toxic substances, the effects to our health could be severe.

Household products for a healthy home

Compost bins

Composting is when bacteria or fungi in the soil break down organic materials like food waste to create compost. You can do this indoors (as in condos) and outdoors (as in bins in the backyards of homes). Because they are abundant in nutrients, you won’t need fertilizer and pesticides as much. Studies showed that plants thrive in soil with compost because they can get more carbon dioxide from the air. This household product contributes to reduced greenhouse gases.

Smart garden

Grow your own vegetables from the comfort of your home with a plant environmental monitoring system. Even if you don’t have a green thumb, a smart garden automatically regulates soil moisture, air temperature and humidity as well as water the plants as needed. 

Air quality monitors

These devices analyze airborne particles in the area or room they are placed in. They read oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide levels as well as those of other gases. Knowing the level of volatile gases is practical if you or someone you live with has breathing or lung problems. It can help you decide whether it’s safe to stay in and help you prevent symptoms from worsening. Even if you don’t have lung issues, you can improve air quality with the help of this device. You can find ways to seal any openings in your home or decide where to put your air purifier.

Non-chemical cleaners

Acidic cleaners vary in their uses, from dissolving hard water deposits, removing rust stains, soap films, and tarnish from brass and copper. Acetic acid in vinegar is a natural alternative to all-purpose cleaners. Citric acid in lemons, limes, and oranges are also used for the same things as vinegar. Household products such as these can replace harsh chemical cleaning agents.

Water filter pitcher

Water that people drink may contain unwanted substances, especially if it comes from the tap. Lead, for instance, is a heavy metal that can be found in water lines and plumbing fixtures and is dangerous at any level. Water filter pitchers will not completely eliminate contaminants, but they certainly help.

Key Takeaway

Making eco-friendly choices when it comes to household products benefits not only the environment, but our own health. Certain products can help us make our homes safer not just for our own benefits but for our loved ones too. 

Learn about other General Health topics here.



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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Current Version


Written by China Logarta

Medically reviewed by Mae Charisse Antalan, MD

Updated by: Stephanie Nera, RPh, PharmD

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Written by China Logarta · Updated Aug 31, 2022

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