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Wearing Contact Lenses for the First Time: How to Do it Safely

Wearing Contact Lenses for the First Time: How to Do it Safely

Will you be wearing contact lenses for the first time? There are a few things you need to know. This article should help teach about the basics regarding your contact lens.

Wearing Contact Lenses for the First Time

Congratulations! So you have your first pair of contact lenses but now what? 

If you are like most people who are wearing contact lenses for the first time, you will see small visual details that you may have not noticed or have been incapable of noticing in the past.  You might see  variations in colors; you might see patterns on surfaces that escaped your sight in the past.

Whatever it is that you are noticing for the first time, now is an exciting time for you. It’s like an entirely different world has opened up before you and all thanks to your contact lenses.

What to Expect?

Here are some of the things that you should expect when wearing contact lenses for the first time:

  • There will be an adjustment period during. However, you will get used to the feeling of wearing your lenses. Don’t expect to get comfortable with them right away. You can expect the adjustment period to last from 10 to 12 days.
  • Expect the sensation of the edges of the lenses when wearing them initially.
  • If your eyes become irritated, it’s either your eyes are dry or your lenses are dirty.
  • Once you become used to your lenses, you would even forget that you are wearing them.

These are just a few things that you should expect when wearing your lenses.

How to Put Them On Safely

  1. Before handling your lenses, wash your hands thoroughly and dry them off.
  2. It’s best to position yourself in front of a mirror to help see where and how to put the lenses in.
  3. Make sure the contact lenses are clean by first putting them in fresh solution.
  4. Now it’s time to put them in! On one finger (most people find using their pointer finger is easiest),  place one contact lens, wide side up.
  5. With your other free hand, pull down gently your lower eyelid. Then gently place the contact lens in your eye.
  6. Close your eyes and slowly roll your eyeball to help the contact lense settle in.
  7. If they’re positioned correctly, they should not hurt. if you feel a slight scratching, remove and try again.

Why Contact Lenses Are So Popular?

Contact lenses have been around for some time now and it is becoming more popular. An estimated 125 million people use contact lenses worldwide today. The number is bound to increase even more.

There are several reasons why people prefer contact lenses. First of all, once you are used to them, they would feel more natural as compared to wearing eyeglasses. People who lead active lifestyles also prefer contact lenses because it allows them to move more freely. There is also the fact that contact lenses have an aesthetic appeal that changes the colors of their eyes.

Wearing Contact Lenses for the First Time 101

When wearing contact lenses for the first time, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. These things will help you transition to wearing your lenses comfortably and effectively.


Many people who wear lenses for the first time feel anxious and worried that they might end up scratching and injuring their eyes when they are putting their lenses on. Another fear that people have is that the lenses may get stuck behind their eyes. 

Of course, you have to be careful when putting on your lenses. Your eyes are sensitive. But if you follow the directions carefully, then you should have no problem. An important thing to remember when you are putting on your lens is that you should be relaxed. 

You don’t have to worry about touching your eyes with your fingers as long as you have cleaned them properly. The back of your eyes is also connected to the eyelids, so there is no danger of the lenses getting stuck there.

Spend Time in Cleaning Your Lenses

Don’t take shortcuts when it comes to your lens care. Make sure that you spend the time performing the proper lens care as instructed by your doctor. You will be given a lens care regimen that is specific to the kind of lens you have.

If you’re instructed to use a multipurpose solution each time you remove your lenses then use a fresh solution and don’t just add to what’s already in your container. When you wear your lenses, you should empty the case and wash it out with fresh solution, and then flip it upside down on a clean paper towel so it can dry out.

Keep in mind that the case must be replaced regularly too, ideally around every three months. If you don’t have the time to keep up the routine of cleaning your lens case, ask your doctor if you can just use disposable lenses instead.

Hydration Is Important

Hydration is not the first that would come to mind in connection with contact lenses but it plays an important role. You must stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. And on top of that, you may want to supplement that by using eye drops.

If you are wearing contact lenses for the first time, then you need to watch for that dryness, especially if you are exposed to dry air or if you spend a great deal of time looking at computer screens. Just make sure that the eye drops you will be using are compatible with your lenses, so they should come from your doctor as well.

Follow Your Doctor’s Recommendations

Stick to what your doctor will tell you, especially when it comes to the products that you will be using. Don’t try to DIY anything that has to do with your contact lenses. While these lenses are very safe to use, it’s important that you follow the experts on how to use and care for them.

Key Takeaways

Contact lenses have definitely come a long way since they were first developed. Today’s lenses are thin and you may even forget that you are wearing them since they feel light. 

Learn more about Other Eye Issues here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Contact lenses,, Accessed February 2, 2021

Aging and your eyes, , Accessed February 2, 2021

Importance of hydration,, Accessed February 2, 2021

History of contact lenses,, Accessed February 2, 2021

Eyelid,,  Accessed February 2, 2021

Current Version


Written by Tracey Romero

Medically reviewed by Victor Paulino, MD, DPBO

Updated by: Kristel Lagorza

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Written by Tracey Romero · Updated May 24, 2021

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