Melissa Caraan, MD

Expert's Profile

Dr. Melissa Nadine Caraan graduated from the University of the Philippines College of Medicine and is currently training in Psychiatry at the Philippine General Hospital. She has four years of experience in the field, having previously worked as an island doctor in Palawan.

With her expertise in brain health, neurological disorders, addictions, and the like, Dr. Caraan hopes to put mental health at the forefront of public health.

Credentials & Highlights


  • Master in Public Management, major in Health Systems Development

    Development Academy of the Philippines

  • Doctor of Medicine

    University of the Philippines College of Medicine

  • Bachelor of Science in Family Life and Child Development Cum laude

    University of the Philippines Diliiman


  • Medical Officer III

    Philippine General Hospital

  • Municipal Health Officer – Linapacan, Palawan

    Department of Health - Doctor to the Barrio

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