Pauline's Quilters World team is passionate about revolutionizing and improving the way you quilt. PQW are the inventors of the original Sasher Tools and also Pauline's Quilt As You Go Technique (QAYG).
Pauline's Quilters World is an online quilting store in Australia that sells quilt patchwork and quilting tools, quilt patterns, quilting tutorials and related products.
PQW offers wide range of tools and patterns to help you with your quilting projects. The team has something suitable for beginners to experienced quilters.
If you are interested in any of the following, contact Pauline's Quilters World now:
quilting supplies
bias markers
PQW tools
woven wonders cushion workshop
bias sasher ruler
quilt as you go handbook
sasher ruler
quilting sasher tools
machine quilting workshops
playroom rugs to adore workshop
sasher collection
machine quilting workshop
sasher tools