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Prostate Cancer Survival Rate: Here’s What You Need To Know

Prostate Cancer Survival Rate: Here’s What You Need To Know
Prostate Cancer Survival Rate: Here’s What You Need To Know

These days, there is a very high prostate cancer survival rate. This is partly due to developments in modern medicine, as well as rising awareness of this illness, which enables early detection and treatment.

However, it’s still important to face the reality that cancer can be a deadly disease. Knowing the odds of survival can help people understand their condition better. And it can prepare them for what to expect in the future.

Prostate Cancer Survival Rate: What Are the Odds?

One thing that’s common in almost all forms of cancer is that early detection can significantly increase the survival rate. This is the same in the case of prostate cancer. The good news is that prostate cancer is one of the most survivable forms of cancers.

That’s why a lot of doctors recommend that men who are 50 years old or above should get a yearly prostate cancer screening. Detecting the disease early means that doctors can treat the cancer while it’s still small. And doing so drastically increases the chances of survival.

Worried about your prostate health? Try our Prostate Health Screener:

According to estimates, about 80% to 85% of men who have stage I, II, or II prostate cancer will be cancer-free in the next 5 years. Of course, this supposes that the patient undergoes treatment for their condition.

In contrast with the high survival rates of stage I, II, and III, stage IV prostate cancer has a survival rate of just 28%. At stage IV, the cancer has usually spread throughout the body, making treatment difficult1.

Prostate cancer survival rate is high during the early stages because it is a fairly treatable form of cancer. Therefore, it is important for men to be mindful of their prostate health. It is also a must for them to get regular screenings as they get older.

What Are the Odds of Getting Prostate Cancer?

In the United States, prostate cancer ranks among the most commonly diagnosed types of cancer. About 1 in 8 men in the United States will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point in their lives. Of course, this number can still vary from country to country. Additionally, the older a man gets, the higher the chances are that they will be diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Men under 40 have an extremely rare chance of developing prostate cancer, while men above 60 have a much higher chance. It is estimated that about 60% of prostate cancer cases are diagnosed in men who are aged 65 and older2.

At the end of the day, these statistics don’t take into consideration all of the factors that can cause cancer. These numbers can’t necessarily predict whether or not you will develop cancer, or how good the prognosis would be if you do develop prostate cancer3.

The best thing to do is to talk to your doctor about it. If you’re worried about your risk of prostate cancer, talking to a doctor can give you some reassurance.

Early Detection Is Key

The most important thing in all cancers, especially prostate cancer, is to get checked early and regularly. Prostate cancer survival rate drastically increases with early detection and treatment, so you should make it a top priority to get screened if you are 50 years old or have a family history of prostate cancer.

Not only does a screening help check for cancer, but you’ll also know if you have other related problems.

If you do get diagnosed with prostate cancer, know that you are not alone. This disease can be treated, and the outcomes are improving each year4. Don’t hesitate to discuss things with your doctor. They should be able to help you navigate your condition until you get cured.

Learn more about Prostate Cancer here.


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

1 Prostate Cancer Prognosis | Johns Hopkins Medicine,, Accessed October 25, 2021

2 Prostate Cancer Survival Rates | Prostate Cancer Foundation,, Accessed October 25, 2021

3 Survival Rates for Prostate Cancer,, Accessed October 25, 2021

4 Prostate Cancer: Statistics | Cancer.Net,, Accessed October 25, 2021

5 Prostate cancer survival statistics | Cancer Research UK,, Accessed October 25, 2021

Current Version


Written by Jan Alwyn Batara

Medically reviewed by John Paul Abrina, MD

Updated by: Stephanie Nera, RPh, PharmD

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Written by Jan Alwyn Batara · Updated Jul 08, 2022

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