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Constant Headaches Everyday: What Could Be the Reason?

Constant Headaches Everyday: What Could Be the Reason?
Constant Headaches Everyday: What Could Be the Reason?

Almost everyone has experienced a headache at some point in their lives. For the most part, these headaches aren’t a big deal and go away with enough rest. But some people experience constant headaches everyday.

What exactly does it mean if you experience constant headaches? Should you be worried about it?

Why Do Some People Experience Constant Headaches Everyday?

A person is said to have a constant or chronic headache if they experience a headache at least 15 times in a month. Chronic headaches can happen in short bursts, or they can sometimes even last for hours1.

Chronic headaches aren’t life-threatening, but they shouldn’t be ignored either. It can cause a person to lose sleep, or they may find themselves fatigued because they can’t rest properly because of the pain. Headaches can also interfere with a person’s ability to work, or even put their lives in danger if they work with heavy machinery or equipment.

Dealing with chronic headaches can seem pretty straightforward. It seems all you have to do is figure out the exact cause, treat it, and then the headaches will go away. However, the problem is that it’s not always easy to figure out what exactly is the cause behind a headache2. Doctors can’t always diagnose the exact cause of a headache, so it might take some time before an effective treatment is found.

Here are some possible reasons why people experience constant headaches3:

  • Depression
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Lack of sleep
  • Hunger
  • Stress
  • Neck or back pain
  • Poor posture
  • Noise
  • Changes in the weather
  • Too much or too little light

These are just a few of the possible reasons for chronic headaches. It’s also possible that chronic headaches might be caused by something else, but these are the usual culprits.

Should You Be Worried About Constant Headaches Everyday?

For the most part, having constant headaches isn’t a sign of something serious4. So you shouldn’t, for example, worry that you might have a brain tumor if you experience constant headaches. But this doesn’t mean that you should ignore these types of headaches either.

The most common reason for chronic headaches is a tension headache5. This type of headache occurs most often, and many people experience tension headaches on a daily basis. These types of headaches are usually triggered by something specific. Some examples include drinking too much caffeine or drinking alcohol, being stressed out, and not having enough sleep.

Over-the-counter painkillers usually work well for tension headaches. However, taking pain medication too often isn’t good for your health, so you should explore other alternatives such as meditation, mindfulness, or even exercise.

Migraines can also happen on a daily basis. Compared to tension headaches, migraines are much more intense and severe. They can even cause nausea or vomiting. Migraines are usually triggered by light and sound, and persons can feel the onset of a migraine if they feel an “aura”.

Migraines can be difficult to deal with, especially if they happen on a daily basis. It can make a person unable to work, or even do simple daily tasks because the pain is so severe.

If you’re experiencing daily migraines, it’s a good idea to consult your doctor as soon as possible. They can prescribe you special medication that can help relieve migraines. Relaxation exercises, getting enough rest, and resting in a dimly lit room can also help manage a migraine attack.

Key Takeaways

Headaches are a common occurrence for a lot of people. However, just because headaches happen often doesn’t mean that it’s okay to ignore the symptoms.

While headaches usually aren’t a sign of a serious illness, it’s still a good idea to talk to your doctor about it especially if it’s starting to affect your life. It is likewise important to note that if you have hypertension or other comorbidities, it is always best to consult your doctor

Learn more about Headaches and Migraines here.



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

1 Chronic daily headaches – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic,, Accessed September 29, 2021

2 Headache Pain: When to Worry, What to Do – Harvard Health Publishing – Harvard Health,, Accessed September 29, 2021

3 Headaches: Types, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment,, Accessed September 29, 2021

4 Are Your Daily Headaches a Sign of Something More Serious? | Keck Medicine of USC,, Accessed September 29, 2021

5 Chronic Tension Headache | Causes and Treatment | Patient,, Accessed September 29, 2021

Current Version


Written by Jan Alwyn Batara

Medically reviewed by Janie-Vi Villamor Ismael-Gorospe, MD

Updated by: Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

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Medically reviewed by

Janie-Vi Villamor Ismael-Gorospe, MD

General Practitioner

Written by Jan Alwyn Batara · Updated Apr 21, 2022

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