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How Deep Is Your Vagina And Other Interesting Trivia

How Deep Is Your Vagina And Other Interesting Trivia
How Deep Is Your Vagina And Other Interesting Trivia

How deep is a vagina? What’s the best way to keep it clean and healthy? How much discharge is too much discharge? The woman’s anatomy is truly fascinating. If you enjoyed reading about strange, interesting facts about the vagina, check out part 2, which includes more interesting trivia!

How deep is your vagina?

On average, a woman’s vagina is around 3.5 inches deep, but numerous factors can affect its size including

  • Age
  • Weight
  • Menopause
  • Surgeries

The vagina is very elastic and can stretch, like during pregnancy and delivery. With regard to length and depth, it can only stretch to a limit. When you are sexually aroused, your vagina can tilt upward and stretch to accommodate a penis.

Being “wet” doesn’t always equate to being sexually aroused

Vaginal lubrication is usually associated with sexual arousal. However, the two matters can sometimes happen separately. Arousal non-concordance is a term used to describe (very common) situations in which your physical and mental arousal aren’t in sync. For instance, you might be very aroused by your partner but have trouble getting physically wet, which can happen for a number of reasons (including age). 

Discharge is normal

Throughout your cycle, your cervical fluid undergoes changes in both quality and quantity as a result of hormonal shifts that get your body ready for ovulation. Cervical fluid begins in your early follicular phase—around the beginning of your cycle. It is opaque, whitish, and creamy. As you approach ovulation, it grows in quantity, wetness, transparency, and stretchiness. Cervical fluid reaches its peak fertility characteristics on the day of ovulation. Your discharge is clear and stretchy in texture.

You should still call your doctor, though if you notice any abnormalities in your discharge, such as changes in texture (such as frothy or chunky), odor, or color (green, yellow or brown). They may be signs of an infection. However, they may also be allergic reactions, even to medications you’re taking.

Soap is not ideal for washing your vagina

If you use soap, it can interfere with the vagina’s natural flora, which can upset the body’s pH balance and lead to yeast infections. In other words, don’t use soap anywhere past your outermost labia, where your pubic hair grows. The vagina has an acid environment with a pH level of 4,5, which allows sperm to swim and survive once inside.

Your vagina is self-cleaning

The lining of the vagina is made up of several glands that secrete fluids intended to lubricate and cleanse the vagina. Do not use any form of douche, since its benefits are almost nonexistent and it may even be detrimental. Douching, which is the practice of rinsing the vagina with vinegar or an antiseptic while using a douche bag, has been linked to an increased risk of pelvic and vaginal infections because it alters the pH and eliminates beneficial bacteria. Research also links douching to an increased risk of bacterial vaginosis, pelvic inflammatory infections, and ectopic pregnancy.

Your vagina changes particularly after childbirth

While vaginal tissue stretches during labor, it should return to its original size without much intervention. To help bring back strength to your vagina, try kegel exercises. But only perform these once you get clearance from your doctor. To engage all of the pelvic floor muscles, imagine that you need to urinate but are attempting to avoid it while on an elevator.

Both your cervix and vagina can rupture

Tears do occur during vaginal birth. In fact, the majority of women who give birth this way do experience cervical tears. If significant, are stitched up by your doctor). The good news is that the vagina is good at healing itself. Tears typically heal well by six weeks postpartum. Less frequently, however, 5% of women experience more serious tears that can result in bowel or bladder incontinence and may require pelvic floor physical therapy.

Your vagina sits at a 130-degree angle

Ever felt like you’re hitting a wall when trying to put in a tampon or menstrual cup? It’s because your vaginal canal lays at an angle in your body. For easier insertion, point the tampon/ menstrual cup toward your back instead of putting it up and in.

Bumps are normal

You can acquire pimples and innocuous cysts on your lady bits. Call your gynecologist when a bump doesn’t go away after a few days or is accompanied by itching, burning or pain. Also, the occasional ingrown hair on your vulva is nothing to lose sleep over.

Learn more about Women’s Health here



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Current Version


Written by Hello Doctor Medical Panel

Medically reviewed by Erika Rellora, MD

Updated by: Kristel Lagorza

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Written by Hello Doctor Medical Panel · Updated Oct 07, 2022

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