

Table of Contents

  1. Policies
  2. Disclaimer
  3. Advertising Policy
  4. Corrections Policy
  5. Editorial Policy
  6. Privacy Policy
  7. Our Sponsors
  8. Terms and Conditions of Use

I. Policies

The purpose of these policies and procedures is to ensure that all users of the Hello Health Group site are fully aware of the terms and conditions attached to using any of the Hello Health Group websites, including HelloDoctor.com.ph.

Please take the time to read all of our below listed policies and be sure to take note and observe all of the following; Advertising Policy, Corrections Policy, Editorial Policy, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions of Use.

If in doubt of any of our policies we suggest you immediately stop using Hello Health Group sites.

Last modified: August 5th, 2015

II. Hello Health Group Disclaimer

The contents of the Hello Health Group Site, such as text, graphics, images, information obtained from Hello Health Group’s licensors, and other material contained on the Hello Health Group Site (“Content”) are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the Hello Health Group Site.

Hello Health Group and its sites do not provide medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice.

If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.

Hello Health Group does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Site.

Reliance on any information provided by Hello Health Group, Hello Health Group employees, others appearing on the Site at the invitation of Hello Health Group, or other visitors to the Site is solely at your own risk.

Children’s Privacy

We are committed to protecting the privacy of children. You should be aware that this Site is not intended or designed to attract children under the age of 13. We do not collect personally identifiable information from any person we actually know is a child under the age of 13.


Last modified: August 5th, 2015

III. Advertising Policy

Hello Health Group Advertising Policy

The following guidelines have been established by Hello Health Group to govern various aspects of Advertising on the Hello Health Group Network, which includes websites and mobile applications directed to consumers, which we refer to as the “Hello Health Group Consumer Properties,” and websites and mobile applications directed to healthcare professionals, which we refer to as the “Hello Health Group Professional Properties.” As used in this policy, the terms “Advertising” and “Advertisements” include third-party banners, badges, contextual advertising, and sponsored content. The guidelines in this policy govern issues like acceptance of Advertisements by Hello Health Group, how Advertisements are displayed on the Hello Health Group, and the removal of Advertisements from the Hello Health Group. Hello Health Group has sole and absolute discretion with respect to interpretation and enforcement of this policy and all other issues associated with Advertising on the Hello Health Group. Hello Health Group may change this policy at any time in its sole discretion by posting a revised policy to the applicable Hello Health Group Property.

Hello Health Group has sole discretion for determining the types of Advertising that will be accepted and displayed on the Hello Health Group Network, and under no circumstances will Hello Health Group’s acceptance of any Advertisement be considered an endorsement of the product(s) and/or service(s) advertised or for the company that advertises, manufactures, distributes, or promotes the products or services.

Hello Health Group will not accept Advertising that, in Hello Health Group’s opinion, is not factually accurate and in good taste.

There are certain categories of advertisements that Hello Health Group will not permit on the Hello Health Group Network at any time. These categories include but are not limited to the following:

  • Illegal, ‘objectionable’, ‘ineffective’ and/or ‘dangerous’ products (Hello Health Group reserves the right to determine what is ‘objectionable’, ‘ineffective’ and/or ‘dangerous’).
  • fraudulent, deceptive, illicit, misleading or offensive material.
  • material that misrepresents, ridicules, discriminates (real or implied) or attacks an individual or group on the basis of age, national origin, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or any other status deemed inappropriate for the Hello Health Group Network.
  • alcohol.
  • weapons, firearms, ammunition, or fireworks.
  • gambling.
  • pornography or related themes.
  • tobacco use of any kind.
  • the simulation of news or an emergency.
  • material that directly advertises products to or is intended to attract children under the age of 13.
  • media or messages for or that reference “M” rated video games or content.
  • unreasonable, unlikely, or extraordinary product or service claims.
  • media messages or imagery that strobe or flash.
  • media or messages that contain unsubstantiated “miracle” weight loss or other miracle claims of cure.
  • advertising units that extend beyond the defined advertising space or interfere with the content or impact the readability of the content without user initiation.
  • advertising units that do not retract to the defined advertising space upon user scroll off or do not contain a “close” or “X” for user to retract or close the ad unit/message after user initiation.
  • advertising units that mimic computer functions or deceptively indicate a computer or other function that would be reasonable to the average user to assume as a reason to click the unit.

Hello Health Group recognizes and maintains a distinct separation between advertising and sponsored content and editorial content. Our editorial content is not influenced by our advertising or sponsored content. Hello Health Group will endeavor to ensure that all Advertising or sponsored content on the Hello Health Group Network will be clearly and unambiguously identified. Hello Health Group will not allow any Advertising on a Hello Health Group Consumer Property that is not identified with the label of “Advertisement”, “From Our Sponsor” or a similar designation, or on a Hello Health Group Professional Property that is not identified with the label of “Advertisement,” “Information from Industry,” “From Our Sponsor” or some similar designation indicating that the content is being provided by or on behalf of the sponsor.

A click on an Advertisement may only link the end user to the third-party advertiser’s site or to relevant sponsored content on a Hello Health Group.

Hello Health Group retains the exclusive right to determine how any and all search results for specific information by keyword or topic are displayed on applicable Hello Health Group Properties based on Hello Health Group delivered search results. Content listed in search results is displayed with its source, e.g., “Health A-Z” or “Drugs A-Z.”

While third party (sponsor or advertiser produced) content must adhere to this Advertising Policy, labeling of sponsored content on the Hello Health Group Consumer Properties is governed by Our Sponsor Policy below, which describes how we label information from our Sponsors and the steps we take to help our end users understand the differences between Hello Health Group content and sponsored content.

Advertising on the Hello Health Group Properties may link directly to a registration/email capture page. Hello Health Group reserves the right to approve whether it will accept, reject, cancel, or remove at any time any Advertising from the Hello Health Group Network for any reason and will provide prompt notice to the advertiser upon rejection, cancellation, or removal of any Advertising, together with an explanation following the rejection, cancellation, or removal. Hello Health Group cannot provide any assurances that client programs or components will perform without error on all platforms, including websites, mobile devices and Apps.

It is the Advertiser’s responsibility to comply with all domestic and foreign laws and regulations applicable to its Advertising within the Hello Health Group Network (and to include all legally required legends, disclosures and statements in such Advertising), including without limitation the current MOH guidelines for advertising. Hello Health Group will not monitor compliance with such laws and regulations. However, Hello Health Group reserves the right to review all Advertising for compliance with applicable laws and regulations and, if Hello Health Group becomes aware of any breach or potential breach of any applicable law or regulation or of these guidelines, Hello Health Group may remove the Advertising from the Hello Health Group.

No Advertising on the Hello Health Group Network shall include any pixels, tags, flash containers or any other type of information collection software code or shall place any beacons, cookies or other information collection devices on the browsers of users of the Hello Health Group Network unless expressly approved in writing by Hello Health Group. No personally-identifiable information may be collected from any user of the Hello Health Group Network without the express written consent of Hello Health Group and the express opt-in consent of such user. No non-personally-identifiable information that is collected from a user of the Hello Health Group Network may be linked to any personally-identifiable information available to an Advertiser without the express written consent of Hello Health Group.

Our Sponsors

Since we launched Hello Health Group we have regularly sought sponsorships and advertisements from relevant commercial organizations, manufacturers, and other leaders dedicated to providing health and lifestyle information. These sponsorships, which are a form of advertising, enable us to provide you with our award-winning content at no cost to you. Hello Health Group provides opportunities for sponsors to bring you their marketing message and information about their products and services by publishing their information or links within our site. We take several steps to ensure that you can clearly identify content that is provided by and is under the editorial control of our sponsors before you view it, so you can make an informed decision as to whether or not to view it. For more information, read our Advertising Policy.

In order to clearly distinguish between Hello Health Group content and content that is created or provided by one of our sponsors, we always label content from our sponsors as “From Our Sponsor”, “Sponsored by”, “Promoted by”, or “By (Sponsor’s Name)”. While content from a sponsor is subject to Hello Health Group ‘s Advertising Policy, it is not subject to Hello Health Group ‘s Editorial Policy. The sponsor is responsible for the accuracy and objectivity of their content and the content is not reviewed by the Hello Health Group Editorial Department for accuracy, objectivity or balance.

Here are the ways that we identify content as being from a sponsor and some related points that we would like to bring to your attention:

  • All content on Hello Health Group that is created or provided by a sponsor is identified with the label “From Our Sponsor”, “Sponsored by”, “Promoted by”, or “By (Sponsor’s Name)”.
  • At the top of each page of content from our sponsors, we place descriptive text to inform you that the content on the page is created or provided by the sponsor and is under their sole editorial control.
  • Links to sponsor content or content from our sponsor are identified with distinctive coloring and will include the label “From Our Sponsor”, “Sponsored by”, “Promoted by”, or “By (Sponsor’s Name)”.
  • Within a sponsor’s content, there may be links to the sponsor’s website.
  • When links to a sponsor’s web site are included in content, Hello Health Group notifies you that you are visiting another web site. We describe this process in more detail in the Hello Health Group Privacy Policy.
  • Sponsored content includes a descriptive line at the end of the content noting that Hello Health Group does not endorse any specific product, service, or treatment.

When Third Parties Fund the creation of Hello Health Group Editorial Content

In addition to creating and providing their own content for presentation to you on our site (labeled as “From Our Sponsor”, “Sponsored By”, “Promoted by” or “By (Sponsor’s Name)”), third parties also provide funding directly to Hello Health Group without having any control over the content. This content may appear in areas of our site that are dedicated to specific conditions or lifestyle activities, may be included in areas of general interest, or appear on our social media channels. Hello Health Group has a staff of over 100 writers, artists, producers, editors and medical professionals. By providing the funds to make it possible for our creation of original Hello Health Group editorial content, we can bring you even more great information to help you manage your health or make healthy changes to your lifestyle. Whenever we create original editorial content at the request of a sponsor and the sponsor has selected the topic of the content/program they are funding, we identify the content as being “brought to you by”, or similar designations (labels) noted below during the period that the sponsor funds the content/program. In addition sponsors may request similar attribution on our pre-existing editorial content during the period that they fund a program.

When Hello Health Group content is identified as “brought to you by” a third party we take the following steps:

  • We place descriptive text at the top of the page to let you know that Hello Health Group created the content without any editorial control from the sponsor who funded it.
  • You will generally see the words “Brought to you by” with a hyperlink to the definition of “Brought to you by” during the period that the sponsor funds the program.
  • In some instances, we will also use one of the following four (4) additional labels to let you know that the content was brought to you by a sponsor and these words have the same meaning as “brought to you by”
  • Funded by our sponsor
  • Support provided by our sponsor
  • Made possible by a Grant from our sponsor
  • Made possible by our sponsor

When Hello Health Group Works with Other Third Parties to Fund the Cost of Educational Content

Hello Health Group at times will work with government and other organizations or associations whose primary mission is to educate the public on health topics or issues. We use a specific framework of criteria to review and select these organizations and work with them to create or select content within specific topic areas. The content is reviewed and edited by the third party and then edited and approved by Hello Health Group’s editorial staff. Just like all of Hello Health Group ‘ content, this category of content is subject to Hello Health Group’s editorial policy and process for accuracy, balance, and objectivity.

In these instances, you will find:

  • We place descriptive text at the top of the page to let you know that Hello Health Group created or selected the content with assistance and collaboration from the organization or association we worked with to create the content.
  • You will generally see the words “educational collaboration” followed by the name of the organization that we worked with to create the content a hyperlink to the definition of “educational collaboration.”
  • We also tell you if there was additional funding by other third parties who have no control over the content.

Last modified: April 21, 2021

IV. Corrections Policy

Hello Health Group Corrections Policy

Hello Health Group is committed to making corrections or clarifications to original content when it deems necessary. We take prompt action to edit even minor errors like spelling, grammar, or stylistic changes. Because style changes do not change the meaning of the content, those kinds of “style” changes will be updated on our site without notice.

If we identify errors that are material to the content, we will update the content as soon as possible and republish the updated piece of content. This corrections policy only applies to Hello Health Group original content, including, but not limited to, news, feature articles, or original medical reference material. Any corrections to license or third-party content are the responsibility of the publisher.

If you believe you have found an error in any of our content, let us know by sending an email to our Customer Service team using the “Contact Us” links in the footer section of our Site.

Last modified: April 21, 2021

V. Editorial Policy

Hello Health Group Editorial Policy

Editorial Integrity

Our mission is to bring you the most objective, trustworthy, and accurate health information. Our daily goal is to ensure that Hello Health Group is your practical and relevant content source for health and wellness.

We are committed to providing information on a wide variety of health topics, and rather than filtering certain types of information that may or may not be applicable to any one individual’s personal health, we rely on you, our reader, to choose the information that is most appropriate for you. Be aware, however, that information on Hello Health Group or any other web site should not be used as a substitute for professional healthcare. You should always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on our site or any site.

The following sections detail our content policies and procedures.

Editorial Selection Criteria for Original Content Created by Hello Health Group

Hello Health Group creates original content based upon the following criteria:

Relevance — Issues that could affect how you manage your own health and that of your family’s. Topics include coverage of health news; drug and product launches, recalls, and alerts; health advisories; and expert commentary on managing diseases and conditions and staying healthy.

Clinical Significance – Sources and medical references used have referenced the latest medical findings published in peer-reviewed medical journals and trusted local and international sources for medical and health information. Including government websites, doctor association websites, medical journals and others.

Trends — Seasonal interests, such as “Flood Safety,” “Allergy Seasons,” and “Cold and Flu;” public health awareness, such as “Breast Cancer Awareness Month,” and “Healthy Heart Month;” and emerging health trends, such as the latest in nutrition, fitness, disease prevention, healthy living, alternative approaches, and much more.

Our Content Is Unique

It’s more reliable. In a medium often accused of providing outdated and inaccurate information, Hello Health Group stands out as a credible, authoritative source of health information.

Our content is created locally in each country we operate and for the platform in that specific country. Each piece of information and content provides our readers with a comprehensive, balanced and clear perspective on the specific topic in question. Whether the content is medical, lifestyle or news related. 

Our news and feature stories are based on our editors’ selections of the most important and relevant health events occurring on a given day. Our news articles are more than a short summary of a study or an event. They often contain interviews with the medical researchers who authored them, plus interviews with objective experts who can put the research into context and tell the reader what it means in today’s world.

Editorial Integrity — Hello Health Group ‘s journalistic responsibility is to make a clear distinction between news, features, reference, and other information, so that individuals can readily distinguish independent editorial information from paid, promotional information.

Editorial Independence — In its reporting, Hello Health Group maintains exemplary principles of fairness, accuracy, objectivity, and responsible, independent reporting.

Journalistic Excellence — Hello Health Group upholds traditional journalistic principles of excellence in reporting original news for the Internet and in reviewing and corroborating information from other sources.

Editorial Policy for Hello Health Group Editorial Staff

Anyone who serves on the Hello Health Group Editorial staff must fully disclose any potential conflict of interest with any sponsor or vendor. Our editorial staff are trained and coached to be able to produce well balanced, medically accurate content, sourcing information from only trusted sources and localising necessary information to make it relevant for our local readers.

The Hello Health Group Editorial staff is charged with the responsibility of providing objective, accurate, and balanced accounts of topics, events and issues. Hello Health Group editorial staff must diligently seek out subjects of stories or qualified experts to provide commentary. They also seek objective commentary or comment from a qualified spokesperson to provide balance.

Hello Health Group editorial staff strive to provide thorough and honest coverage and share a dedication to ethical behavior and the highest professional standards.

Original Article Process

The Hello Health Group Editorial staff gets its stories from an array of sources: peer-reviewed medical journals, medical conferences, federal or state government actions, and enterprise material derived from interviews with medical experts. Hello Health Group also believes that valuable content is available from Hello Health Group sponsors, advertisers, and partners, but that such content must be clearly labeled.

Each completed piece of content to be published is reviewed by an expert for accuracy, appropriateness of medical language, and proper characterization of the findings. Depending on the topic these experts may or may not be medically certified. The story is then reviewed by an Editorial Editor who edits it for style, flow, punctuation, and readability. Finally, the story moves from editing to publishing on the site.

Licensed Content

When Hello Health Group licenses health and wellness content from third-parties for publication on our site, the Hello Health Group senior Editorial editors and medical editors review the third-party’s editorial policies and procedures for consistency with the Hello Health Group Editorial Policies.

Sponsored Content and Advertising

In using our site, you will see that some content, buttons, badges and banners are labeled “Sponsored”, “From Our Sponsor” or “Advertisement”. Hello Health Group will possibly receive funding from the production and publication of this content. For more information on our Advertising & Sponsor policy you can read more here.

Sponsored Content and Advertising

In using our site, you will see that some content, buttons, badges and banners are labeled “Sponsored”, “From Our Sponsor” or “Advertisement”. This content has not been reviewed by the Hello Health Group Editorial Staff and is not subject to this Editorial Policy. We do not control these ads. Our editorial content is not influenced by our advertising or sponsored content. Content, buttons, badges or banners labeled “From Our Sponsor” are subject to the policy governing Our Sponsors. Content, buttons, badges, and banners labeled “Advertisement” are subject to our Advertising Policy.

Last modified: April 21, 2021

VI. Privacy Policy

We urge you to take the time to read our entire Privacy Policy for complete detail about our privacy practices and your information.

Information Collected About You

We may collect “Personal Information” about you – such as your name, address, telephone number, email address or health information – in the following ways:

  • When you sign-up for newsletters or other communications from Hello Health Group;
  • When you participate in an online survey; or

We may collect “Non-Personal Information” – information that cannot be used by us to identify you – via Cookies, Web Beacons, Hello Health Group mobile device applications and from external sources, even if you have not registered with or provided any Personal Information to Hello Health Group.

What Choices Do I Have?

If you do not want your Personal Information used by Hello Health Group as provided in this Privacy Policy, you should not register as a member or for any specific newsletter or survey that collects Personal Information. If you have registered and no longer want Hello Health Group to use your Personal Information, you should unsubscribe from the newsletter and send an email to privacy@Hello Health Group.com requesting that your personal information be removed from Hello Health Group‘s database.

Most browser software can be set to reject Cookies, and you can opt out of Cookies for several Ad Servers by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative gateway opt-out site.

How Information Collected About You Is Used

We may use information we collect about you to:

  • Administer your account;
  • Provide you with access to particular tools and services;
  • Respond to your inquiries and send you administrative communications;
  • Obtain your feedback on our sites and our offerings;
  • Statistically analyze user behavior and activity;
  • Provide you and people with similar demographic characteristics and interests with more relevant content and advertisements;
  • Conduct research and measurement activities;
  • Send you personalized emails or secure electronic messages pertaining to your health interests, including news, announcements, reminders and opportunities from Hello Health Group; or
  • Send you relevant offers and informational materials on behalf of our sponsors pertaining to your health interests.

We may combine Personal and Non-Personal Information collected by Hello Health Group about you, and may combine this information with information from external sources.  Third parties may also use Non-Personal Information in order to display advertising that reflects the interests and preferences of our user community.

With Whom Do We Share Your Information?

Hello Health Group will not disclose any Personal Information about you unless specifically agreed to by you or:

  • To comply with legal requirements, such as a law, regulation, search warrant, subpoena, or court order;
  • To our vendors and suppliers in the course of their provision of products or services to Hello Health Group;
  • In the event of a corporate change in control resulting from, for example, a merger, a sale of assets, or bankruptcy; or
  • In special cases, such as in response to a physical threat to you or others.

Hello Health Group does not make your Personal Information available to third parties for their marketing purposes without your consent.

How Do We Secure and Retain Your Information?

We have put in place technical, physical, and administrative safeguards to protect the Personal Information that we collect. We will consistently endeavor to improve upon such safeguards.

Contact Hello Health Group

Please send us an email using the Contact Us link at the bottom of every page of our site if you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the Personal Information we maintain about you.

You can also contact Hello Health Group’s Privacy Office at:

Hello Health Group Pte. Ltd.

Attn: Office of Privacy

9 Battery Road

#25-01 Straits Trading Building

Singapore 049910

Republic of Singapore

Hello Health Group Privacy Policy

Hello Health Group understands how important the privacy of personal information is to our users. This Privacy Policy will tell you what information we collect about you and about your use of Hello Health Group and its services. It will explain the choices you have about how your personal information is used and how we protect that information. We urge you to read this Privacy Policy carefully.

This Privacy Policy applies to Web sites owned and operated by Hello Health Group that are intended for use by consumers (non-professionals) for non-commercial personal, family or household purposes, including hellobacsi.com, hellodoctor.com.ph and helloyishi.comtw and including the mobile optimized versions of these sites (we refer to these sites collectively as the “Hello Health Group Web Sites”).

References to “Hello Health Group” mean Hello Health Group Pte. Ltd., including any company that Hello Health Group Pte. Ltd. controls (for example, a subsidiary that Hello Health Group Pte. Ltd. owns). Hello Health Group may share information among its subsidiaries or web sites that it owns or controls, but information collected under this Privacy Policy is always protected under the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Information Collected About You

Some of our Services retain your personal information, such as HelloCare, Together and health tools and assessments. If you download an Application from Hello Doctor we will also store your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Even if you do not register with or provide any personal information to Hello Doctor, we collect information about your use of the Hello Doctor Sites and Apps and the Services. We may also acquire information about our users from external sources.

When you use the Services, we collect information as follows:


While you may use most of the Services without registering, certain Services do require that you register with Hello Doctor for them to function properly. If you choose to register or update an existing account with Hello Doctor or access certain Services, you may be required to provide certain personal information, such as your name, address, telephone number, gender, email address and date of birth, and a username and password to access your Hello Doctor account. You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the personal information that you submit to Hello Doctor.

Interactive Services

Some of our Services, such as Hello Doctor Symptom Checker, are interactive and may request that you submit health-related information, along with other information such as your age and gender. You may be required to register with Hello Doctor to use Hello Doctor Symptom Checker and if you are registered with Hello Doctor, we may associate information that you submit to the Symptom Checker with registration information that you have previously provided.

Email Newsletters

At registration and at various times as you use the Hello Doctor Sites, you will be given the option of providing us with personal information in order to receive informational/promotional newsletters – such as a newsletter relating to a specific health condition – via email from Hello Doctor and/or directly from third parties. From time to time Hello Doctor may offer users of third party websites to the opportunity to subscribe to our newsletters through those websites. If you elect to subscribe to one of our newsletters on a third party website, the operator of that website will provide us with the personal information you have provided in connection with the subscription request, which we may use in accordance with this Privacy Policy as though you had provided it directly to Hello Doctor. In Hello Doctor Message Boards, if you turn on the email notification for posts you have created or participated in, you’ll receive an email when there has been any activity on those posts. If you later decide you no longer want to receive email updates, you can turn it off by navigating to the Email Alerts section in your Profile settings.

Market Research

From time to time, Hello Doctor may conduct online research surveys on behalf of itself and third parties through email invitations, pop-up surveys and online focus groups. When participating in a survey, we may require you to provide your location, age and if there’s a sweepstakes associated with the market research survey, your name and contact information for purposes of sweepstakes administration. The information you submit in a survey may be used by Hello Doctor for research and measurement purposes, as described below, including to measure the effectiveness of content, advertising or programs. The personal information you provide in connection with a sweepstakes entry will be used for the sole purpose of administering the sweepstakes and as required by applicable law. We will not knowingly invite individuals who are under the age of 13 to participate in market research surveys. Market research surveys conducted by or on behalf of Hello Doctor will contain a link to this Privacy Policy.

User Reviews, Hello Doctor Message Boards, and Other Public Forums

Hello Doctor also features several message board areas and other public forums where users can post reviews, share information and support one another or where users can post questions for experts to answer. We also offer online discussions moderated by healthcare experts. Our reviews feature in the bookings system and our message boards are open to the public and should not be considered private.

Any information (including personal information) you share in any review, online message board, or other forum is by design open to the public and is not private. You should think carefully before posting any personal information in any public forum. What you post can be seen, disclosed to or collected by third parties and may be used by others in ways we cannot control or predict, including to contact you for unauthorized purposes. As with any public forum on any site, the information you post may also show up in third-party search engines.

If you mistakenly post personal information in our message board areas and would like it removed, you can send us an email to request that we remove it by using the Contact Us link on every page of the Hello Doctor Sites. In some cases, we may not be able to remove your personal information.

Emails You Send to Hello Doctor

This Privacy Policy does not apply to information, content, business information, ideas, concepts or inventions that you send to Hello Doctor by email. If you want to keep content or business information, ideas, concepts or inventions private or proprietary, do not send them in an email to Hello Doctor.

Services and Device Information

When you access and use the Services, Hello Doctor automatically collects and stores in its server logs information from your browser or mobile device such as your IP address or unique device identifier, browser information (including referring URL), your preferences and settings, cookies and information about the content you have viewed and actions taken (e.g., search queries, ad engagement, clicks and the associated dates and times). Hello Doctor may also collect device-specific information when you install and use an App including your device model, operating system information, advertising ID (which is a unique, user-resettable identification number for advertising associated with a mobile device) and App version and usage information. When enabled by you, we collect precise location information provided by your mobile device, which you may disable through the device settings.

Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies

We and our partners use cookies to collect information about your use of the Services. “Cookies” are small data files assigned to your browser when you visit a Hello Doctor Site which enable recognition of your browser and collect and store information about your use of the Services, as described above. In addition to cookies, we and our partners use other tracking technologies that collect information about your use of the Services, including mobile identifiers and “web beacons” which are small graphic files (sometimes called “clear GIFs” or “web pixels”) embedded in a web page or email typically used to monitor activity and send relevant information back to a home server (which can belong to the host site, a network advertiser or some other third party). The information collected by such tracking technologies may be combined with other information that our partners have access to, including your name, email address and physical address, so that we can send you materials, either electronically or by direct mail, that may be of interest to you. 

Our advertising service partners may use cookies and other tracking technologies to collect information about your use of the Hello Doctor Sites, including content you have viewed. These third parties may use this information to help Hello Doctor deliver advertising on the Hello Doctor Sites and on other third party websites based on your browsing activity on the Hello Doctor Sites. Hello Doctor may further tailor the advertising on the Hello Doctor Sites and these other third party websites based on additional information to the extent known by Hello Doctor or these third parties. Two of the third parties that Hello Doctor works with are Google and Facebook. In addition to using the information it collects performing services for Hello Doctor, Google may also use such information as described in its privacy policy. To see how Google may use information collected through our use of the Google services on the Hello Doctor Sites visit https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners.  While Facebook does not provide any personal information to Hello Doctor, Facebook may use information that it has about you and that it collects performing services for Hello Doctor (which may be associated with personal information that Facebook has about you) as described in its privacy policy available at https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy.

We also work with third party ad networks to display advertising on our Hello Doctor Sites and on third party websites. Our ad network vendors use technologies to collect information about your activities on the Hello Doctor Sites and apps to provide you cookie-based targeted advertising on our Hello Doctor Sites and on third party websites based upon your browsing activity and your interests.

When you download and install one of our Apps onto your mobile device we assign a random number to your App installation. This number cannot be used to identify you personally, and we cannot identify you personally unless you choose to become a registered user of the App. We use this random number in a manner similar to our use of cookies as described in this Privacy Policy and in our Cookie Policy. Unlike cookies, the random number is assigned to your installation of the App itself and not a browser, because the App does not work through your browser. Therefore the random number cannot be removed through settings. If you do not want us to use the random number for the purposes for which we use cookies, please do not use the Apps. Our use of cookies and other tracking technologies on our mobile optimized sites and our flagship Hello Doctor App are similar to our use on our desktop sites. Your choices to reject cookies, use the Network Advertising Initiative and the opt-out mechanism described below in the section “Your Choices and Rights” are available on our apps and on our mobile optimized sites.

How Information Collected About You Is Used

Information about your use of the Services may be used for the following purposes:

  • to provide, improve and create new Services,
  • to respond to your inquiries and to send you administrative communications about the Hello Doctor Sites and Services,
  • to obtain your feedback about the Hello Doctor Sites and Services,
  • to send you secure electronic messages and personalized emails pertaining to your interests as inferred from your use of the Services, including news, announcements, reminders and opportunities from Hello Doctor,
  • to statistically analyze trends and user behavior and activity including how frequently areas of the Hello Doctor Sites are visited, how the Services are being used and how many emails are received and opened,
  • to provide you and people with similar demographic characteristics and interests with more relevant content including advertising both on and off the Hello Doctor Sites and Apps,
  • to offer lead generation services,
  • to detect and defend against fraud and other threats to the Services and our users, 
  • to identify issues with the Services,
  • to conduct research and measurement activities, including those described below, and
  • to administer your account.

In addition, Hello Doctor may use personal information about you for other purposes that are disclosed to you at the time we collect the information and/or with your consent.

Hello Doctor may combine your personal information and other information collected about your use of the Services, and also supplement with information from external sources for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. For example, information that Hello Doctor collects about you may be combined by Hello Doctor with other information available to Hello Doctor through third parties for research and measurement purposes, including measuring the effectiveness of content, advertising or programs. This information from other sources may include age, gender, demographic, geographic, personal interests, product purchase activity or other information. We may report aggregate information, which is not able to be identified back to an individual user of the Hello Doctor Sites, to our current or prospective advertisers and other business partners.

Sharing Your Information

Hello Doctor Subsidiaries and Corporate Affiliates

We may share your information with our subsidiaries, affiliates and companies acquired by or merged with us and our affiliates. In the event of a corporate change in control resulting from, for example, a sale to, or merger with, another entity, or in the event of a sale of assets or a bankruptcy, Hello Doctor reserves the right to transfer your personal information to the new party in control or the party acquiring assets. In the event of such a change, your personal information will continue to be treated in accordance with this Privacy Policy unless any changes to the Privacy Policy are made in accordance with the section below that discusses “Changes to This Privacy Policy.”

Companies and Contractors that Work with Hello Doctor

Hello Doctor works with third party companies and contractors that help us provide the Services and to otherwise assist in the operation of the Hello Doctor Sites and Apps, including those that provide services relating to technology, data analysis, research, email management and deployment, sweepstakes and contest administration, advertising and marketing and/or content. Hello Doctor contractors sometimes have limited access to your information in the course of providing products or services to Hello Doctor. We contractually require that our contractors not use or disclose your information for any purpose other than providing the limited service or function for Hello Doctor.

Third-Party Advertisers and Third-Party Websites

We may share information that we have about you, such as a cookie ID or IP address, with third party advertising service providers who may use this information, on our behalf, to help Hello Doctor deliver advertising on the Hello Doctor Sites as well as on third party websites.

Certain content, services and advertisements offered to you through the Hello Doctor Sites are served on, or contain links to, websites hosted and operated by a company other than Hello Doctor (“Third Party Websites”). Hello Doctor does not share your personal information with these Third Party Websites without your consent, but you should be aware that any information you disclose to these Third Party Websites once you access these Third Party Websites is not subject to this Privacy Policy. Hello Doctor does not endorse and is not responsible for the privacy practices of these Third Party Websites. You should review the privacy policy posted on the Third Party Website to understand how that Third Party Website collects and uses your information. Hello Doctor makes an effort to make it obvious to you when you leave a Hello Doctor Site and enter a Third Party Website, either by requiring you to click on a link or by notifying you on the Hello Doctor Site before you visit the third party site. In addition, if you see a phrase such as “Powered by” or “in association with” followed by the name of a company other than Hello Doctor, then you are on a website hosted by a company other than Hello Doctor.  When you use a co-branded service (a service operated with a partner of Hello Doctor), or register or otherwise provide information on a co-branded site, where applicable, we may pass the collected information back to that partner, which may include third party service providers whose services are embedded into and/or appear within the Services.

We may also include social widgets on the Hello Doctor Sites which enable you to interact with the associated social media services, e.g., to share an article. These widgets may collect browsing data which may be received by the third party that provided the widget, and are controlled by these third parties. You may be able to manage your privacy preferences directly with the applicable social network platform.

Compliance with Law, Regulation, and Law Enforcement Requests

To cooperate with government and law enforcement officials and private parties to enforce and comply with law, we may release personal information to third parties: (1) to comply with legal requirements such as a law, regulation, search warrant, subpoena or court order; (2) when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request; or (3) in special cases, such as in response to a physical threat to you or others, to protect property or defend or assert legal rights. In addition, we may disclose personal information as described below.

How Your Information is Secured and Retained

We take reasonable security measures to protect the security of your personal information. Despite Hello Doctor’s efforts to protect your personal information, there is always some risk that an unauthorized third party may find a way around our security systems or that transmissions of your information over the Internet may be intercepted.

The security of your personal information is important to us.  When you enter personal information (including personal health information in various Services), we encrypt the transmission of that information or use SSL connections (Secure Socket Layer) technology.

We will retain your personal information as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you Services. At any time you can remove your personal information or instruct us to remove it, but you should be aware that it is not technologically possible to remove each and every record of the information you have provided to Hello Doctor from our servers. See “Your Choices and Rights” below for more information on how you can update or remove your personal information. We will also retain your personal information as necessary to comply with legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements.

Your Choices and Rights

Updating/Removing Your Personal Information

If you do not want your personal information used by Hello Doctor as provided in this Privacy Policy, you should not use the Hello Doctor Sites, Apps and Services.  You can correct, update or review personal information you have previously submitted by going back to the specific Service, logging-in and making the desired change. You can also update any personal information you have submitted by contacting us using the contact information listed below or through the Contact Us link provided at the bottom of every page of the Hello Doctor Sites.

If you have registered and desire to delete any of your registration information you have provided to us from our systems please contact us using the contact information listed below in the “Contacting Hello Doctor About Your Personal Information or Privacy” section or through the Contact Us link provided at the bottom of every page of the Hello Doctor Sites. Upon your request, we will delete your registration information from our active databases and where feasible from our back-up media. You should be aware that it is not technologically possible to remove each and every record of the information you have provided to the Hello Doctor Sites from our servers.

When you sign up to receive email communications for any of our Services, including our email newsletters, or at any time, you can choose to opt out of receiving additional newsletters or other email communications from Hello Doctor or our advertisers or sponsors.

You can unsubscribe from an email newsletter by:

  • Following the directions included at the bottom of the newsletter and using the “Unsubscribe” link found in the emails.
  • Logging in to the Hello Doctor Sites and unchecking the newsletters you no longer wish to receive under the “My Profile” section.

All promotional emails that Hello Doctor sends with opportunities from Hello Doctor or with offers or informational materials from Hello Doctor on behalf of our sponsors will contain an opportunity to unsubscribe from getting additional emails of that type in the future from Hello Doctor unless you re-subscribe.


Most browser software can be set to reject Cookies. Most browsers offer instructions on how to reset the browser to reject Cookies in the “Help” or “Settings” or “Preferences” section of your browser’s toolbar.  Refer to our Cookie Policy for additional information about opting out of Cookies.

Mobile Opt-out

You may also control interest-based advertising on your mobile device by enabling the “Limit Ad Tracking” setting in your iOS device’s settings or “Opt out of Ads Personalization” in your Android device’s settings. This will not prevent you from seeing advertisements, but will limit the use of device advertising identifiers to personalize ads based on your interests.  If you have questions about how to reject cookies on your specific device please check with the device manufacturer.


We are committed to protecting the privacy of children. The Hello Doctor Sites are not designed or intended to attract children under the age of 13. The Hello Doctor Sites do not collect personal information from any person we actually know is under the age of 13.

Note to Users Outside of the Philippines

Our technical infrastructure is located in Vietnam. The personal information that you provide to us is stored on servers located in Singapore. If you are located in another jurisdiction, you should be aware that in order to provide the Services to you, we must transfer your personal information to Singapore where it will be stored and processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We may transfer your information outside to service providers with operations in other countries. By using the Services, you consent to such collection, storage and processing in Singapore and other jurisdictions where Hello Health Group Pte. Ltd., maintains a presence in. Some of these jurisdictions may not afford the same level of data protection as considered adequate in your own country. In those circumstances, we will take reasonable steps to ensure your personal information is protected with a standard of protection that is at least comparable to the protection of your home jurisdiction or provided under the Personal Data Protection Act in Singapore, whichever is stricter. Note that your personal information may be available to the Philippine government or its agencies under legal process made in the Philippines.

Contacting Hello Doctor About Your Personal Information or Privacy

Please send us an email by using the Contact Us link at the bottom of every page of the website if you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the personal information we maintain about you. We will respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe.

You can also contact Hello Health Group at:

Hello Health Group Pte. Ltd. 

10 Anson Road

 #27-15 International Plaza 

079903 Singapore

In the event of a complaint, please contact [email protected]. The Privacy officer will confirm receipt of the complaint and will investigate the potential breach. Hello Doctor will endeavor to respond to any complaint within 60 days of original receipt. Further information may be sought from you in order to provide you with a comprehensive response.  

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change or modify this Privacy Policy and any of our Services at any time and any changes will be effective upon being posted unless we advise otherwise. If we make any material changes to this Privacy Policy we will notify you by means of a notice on the Hello Doctor Sites and/or by email to our registered users (sent to the email address specified when you register) prior to the change becoming effective. By continuing to use the Services after changes are made to this Privacy Policy, you agree to such changes.  We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Policy for the latest information on our privacy practices. If you do not accept the terms of this Privacy Policy, we ask that you do not register with us and that you do not use the Hello Doctor Sites. Please exit the Hello Doctor Sites immediately if you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Last modified: April 21, 2021

VII. Our Sponsors

Since we launched Hello Health Group we have regularly sought sponsorships and advertisements from relevant commercial organizations, manufacturers, and other leaders dedicated to providing health and lifestyle information. These sponsorships, which are a form of advertising, enable us to provide you with our award-winning content at no cost to you. Hello Health Group provides opportunities for sponsors to bring you their marketing message and information about their products and services by publishing their information or links within our site. We take several steps to ensure that you can clearly identify content that is provided by and is under the editorial control of our sponsors before you view it, so you can make an informed decision as to whether or not to view it. For more information, read our Advertising Policy.

When You See “From Our Sponsor”, “Sponsored by”, “Promoted by”, or “By (Sponsor’s Name)” on Hello Health Group

In order to clearly distinguish between Hello Health Group content and content that is created or provided by one of our sponsors, we always label content from our sponsors as “From Our Sponsor”, “Sponsored by”, “Promoted by”, or “By (Sponsor’s Name)”. While content from a sponsor is subject to Hello Health Group ‘s Advertising Policy, it is not subject to Hello Health Group ‘s Editorial Policy. The sponsor is responsible for the accuracy and objectivity of their content and the content is not reviewed by the Hello Health Group Editorial Department for accuracy, objectivity or balance.

Here are the ways that we identify content as being from a sponsor and some related points that we would like to bring to your attention:

All content on Hello Health Group that is created or provided by a sponsor is identified with the label “From Our Sponsor”, “Sponsored by”, “Promoted by”, or “By (Sponsor’s Name)”.

At the top of each page of content from our sponsors, we place descriptive text to inform you that the content on the page is created or provided by the sponsor and is under their sole editorial control.

Links to sponsor content or content from our sponsor are identified with distinctive coloring and will include the label “From Our Sponsor”, “Sponsored by”, “Promoted by”, or “By (Sponsor’s Name)”.

Within a sponsor’s content, there may be links to the sponsor’s web site.

When links to a sponsor’s web site are included in content, Hello Health Group notifies you that you are visiting another web site. We describe this process in more detail in the Hello Health Group Privacy Policy.

Sponsored content carries the copyright of the named sponsor or the rightful copyright owner.

Sponsored content includes a descriptive line at the end of the content noting that Hello Health Group does not endorse any specific product, service, or treatment.

When Third Parties Fund the creation of Hello Health Group Editorial Content

In addition to creating and providing their own content for presentation to you on our site (labeled as “From Our Sponsor”, “Sponsored By”, “Promoted by” or “By (Sponsor’s Name)”), third parties also provide funding directly to Hello Health Group without having any control over the content. This content may appear in areas of our site that are dedicated to specific conditions or lifestyle activities, may be included in areas of general interest, or appear on our social media channels. Hello Health Group has a staff of over 40 writers, artists, producers, editors and medical professionals. By providing the funds to make it possible for our creation of original Hello Health Group editorial content, we can bring you even more great, award-winning information to help you manage your health or make healthy changes to your lifestyle. Whenever we create original editorial content at the request of a sponsor and the sponsor has selected the topic of the content/program they are funding, we identify the content as being “brought to you by”, or similar designations (labels) noted below during the period that the sponsor funds the content/program. In addition sponsors may request similar attribution on our pre-existing editorial content during the period that they fund a program.

When Hello Health Group content is identified as “brought to you by” a third party we take the following steps:

We place descriptive text at the top of the page to let you know that Hello Health Group created the content without any editorial control from the sponsor who funded it.

You will generally see the words “Brought to you by” with a hyperlink to the definition of “Brought to you by” during the period that the sponsor funds the program.

In some instances, we will also use one of the following four (4) additional labels to let you know that the content was brought to you by a sponsor and these words have the same meaning as “brought to you by”

Funded by our sponsor

Support provided by our sponsor

Made possible by a Grant from our sponsor

Made possible by our sponsor

When Hello Health Group Works with Other Third Parties to Fund the Cost of Educational Content

Hello Health Group at times will work with government and other organizations or associations whose primary mission is to educate the public on health topics or issues. We use a specific framework of criteria to review and select these organizations and work with them to create or select content within specific topic areas. The content is reviewed and edited by the third party and then edited and approved by Hello Health Group ‘s editorial staff. Just like all of Hello Health Group ‘s award-winning content, this category of content is subject to Hello Health Group ‘s editorial policy and process for accuracy, balance, and objectivity.

In these instances, you will find:

We place descriptive text at the top of the page to let you know that Hello Health Group created or selected the content with assistance and collaboration from the organization or association we worked with to create the content.

You will generally see the words “educational collaboration” followed by the name of the organization that we worked with to create the content a hyperlink to the definition of “educational collaboration.”

We also tell you if there was additional funding by other third parties who have no control over the content.

Last modified: August 5th, 2015

VIII. Terms and Conditions of Use

Terms and Conditions of Use


By using this site, you signify your assent to these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to all of these Terms and Conditions of use, do not use this site!

Hello Health Group Pte. Ltd. and its subsidiary websites herein “Hello Health Group”,, may revise and update these Terms and Conditions at any time. Your continued usage of the Hello Health Group website (“Hello Health Group Site”, or the “Site”) will mean you accept those changes.


Hello Health Disclaimer

Children’s Privacy

Use of Content

Liability of Hello Health Group and Its Licensors

User Submissions

Advertisements, Search and Links to Other Sites




Notice and Take Down Procedures, Copyright Agent

Complete Agreement

Hello Health Disclaimer

The contents of the Hello Health Group Site, such as text, graphics, images, information obtained from Hello Health Group’s licensors, and other material contained on the Hello Health Group Site (“Content”) are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the Hello Health Group Site.

Hello Health Group and its sites do not provide medical diagnosis, treatment or advice. 

If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Hello Health Group does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by Hello Health Group, Hello Health Group employees, others appearing on the Site at the invitation of Hello Health Group, or other visitors to the Site is solely at your own risk.

The Site may contain health- or medical-related materials that are sexually explicit. If you find these materials offensive, you may not want to use our Site.

Children’s Privacy

We are committed to protecting the privacy of children. You should be aware that this Site is not intended or designed to attract children under the age of 13. We do not collect personally identifiable information from any person we actually know is a child under the age of 13.

Use of Content

Hello Health Group authorizes you to view or download a single copy of the material on the Hello Health Group Site solely for your personal, noncommercial use if you include the copyright notice located at the end of the material, for example: “©2021, Hello Health Group Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved” and other copyright and proprietary rights notices that are contained in the Content. Any special rules for the use of certain software and other items accessible on the Hello Health Group Site may be included elsewhere within the Site and are incorporated into these Terms and Conditions by reference.

The Content is protected by copyright under both Singapore and foreign laws. Title to the Content remains with Hello Health Group or its licensors. Any use of the Content not expressly permitted by these Terms and Conditions is a breach of these Terms and Conditions and may violate copyright, trademark, and other laws. Content and features are subject to change or termination without notice in the editorial discretion of Hello Health Group. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved to Hello Health Group and its licensors.

If you violate any of these Terms and Conditions, your permission to use the Content automatically terminates and you must immediately destroy any copies you have made of any portion of the Content.

Liability of Hello Health Group and Its Licensors

The use of the Hello Health Group Site and the Content is at your own risk.

When using the Hello Health Group Site, information will be transmitted over a medium that may be beyond the control and jurisdiction of Hello Health Group and its suppliers. Accordingly, Hello Health Group assumes no liability for or relating to the delay, failure, interruption, or corruption of any data or other information transmitted in connection with use of the Hello Health Group Site.

The Hello Health Group Site and the content are provided on an “as is” basis. Hello Health Group, ITS LICENSORS, AND ITS SUPPLIERS, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTIES’ RIGHTS, AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Without limiting the foregoing, Hello Health Group, its licensors, and its suppliers make no representations or warranties about the following:

  • The accuracy, reliability, completeness, currentness, or timeliness of the Content, software, text, graphics, links, or communications provided on or through the use of the Hello Health Group Site or Hello Health Group.
  • The satisfaction of any government regulations requiring disclosure of information on prescription drug products or the approval or compliance of any software tools with regard to the Content contained on the Hello Health Group Site.

In no event shall Hello Health Group, its licensors, its suppliers, or any third parties mentioned on the Hello Health Group Site be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, personal injury/wrongful death, lost profits, or damages resulting from lost data or business interruption) resulting from the use of or inability to use the Hello Health Group Site or the Content, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory, and whether or not Hello Health Group, its licensors, its suppliers, or any third parties mentioned on the Hello Health Group Site are advised of the possibility of such damages. Hello Health Group, its licensors, its suppliers, or any third parties mentioned on the Hello Health Group Site shall be liable only to the extent of actual damages incurred by you, not to exceed SGD. $1000. Hello Health Group, its licensors, its suppliers, or any third parties mentioned on the Hello Health Group Site are not liable for any personal injury, including death, caused by your use or misuse of the Site or Content. Any claims arising in connection with your use of the Site or Content must be brought within one (1) year of the date of the event giving rise to such action occurred. Remedies under these Terms and Conditions are exclusive and are limited to those expressly provided for in these Terms and Conditions. 

Advertisements, Searches, and Links to Other Sites

Hello Health Group may provide links to third-party web sites. Hello Health Group also may select certain sites as priority responses to search terms you enter and Hello Health Group may agree to allow advertisers to respond to certain search terms with advertisements or sponsored content. Hello Health Group does not recommend and does not endorse the content on any third-party websites. Hello Health Group is not responsible for the content of linked third-party sites, sites framed within the Hello Health Group Site, third-party sites provided as search results, or third-party advertisements, and does not make any representations regarding their content or accuracy. Your use of third-party websites is at your own risk and subject to the terms and conditions of use for such sites. Hello Health Group does not endorse any product, service, or treatment advertised on the Hello Health Group Site. For more information, read our Advertising Policy and our Sponsor Policy.


You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold Hello Health Group, its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, and suppliers, harmless from and against any claims, actions or demands, liabilities and settlements including without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees, resulting from, or alleged to result from, your violation of these Terms and Conditions.


Hello Health Group is based in Singapore, Republic of Singapore with principal offices in Singapore, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Taipei, Mumbai, Phnom Penh, Yangon, Bangkok and Ho Chi Minh City.

The following provisions survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever: Liability, User Submissions, Indemnity, Jurisdiction, and Complete Agreement.


You expressly agree that exclusive jurisdiction for any dispute with Hello Health Group, or in any way relating to your use of the Hello Health Group Site, resides in the courts of the Republic of Singapore and you further agree and expressly consent to the exercise of personal jurisdiction in the courts of the Republic of Singapore in connection with any such dispute including any claim involving Hello Health Group or its affiliates, subsidiaries, employees, contractors, officers, directors, telecommunication providers, and content providers.

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the internal substantive laws of the Republic of Singapore, without respect to its conflict of laws principles. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions, which shall remain in full force and effect. No waiver of any of these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or condition or any other term or condition.

Notice and Takedown Procedures; and Copyright Agent

If you believe any materials accessible on or from the Site infringe your copyright, you may request removal of those materials (or access thereto) from this web site by contacting Hello Health Group’s copyright agent (identified below) and providing the following information:

  • Identification of the copyrighted work that you believe to be infringed. Please describe the work, and where possible include a copy or the location (e.g., URL) of an authorized version of the work.
  • Identification of the material that you believe to be infringing and its location. Please describe the material, and provide us with its URL or any other pertinent information that will allow us to locate the material.
  • Your name, address, telephone number and (if available) e-mail address.
  • A statement that you have a good faith belief that the complaint of use of the materials is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
  • A statement that the information that you have supplied is accurate, and indicating that “under penalty of perjury,” you are the copyright owner or are authorized to act on the copyright owner’s behalf.
  • A signature or the electronic equivalent from the copyright holder or authorized representative.

Hello Health Group’s agent for copyright issues relating to this web site is as follows:

Hello Health Group Pte. Ltd.

Attn: Office of Privacy

10 Anson Road 

#27-15 International Plaza 

Singapore, 079903

Republic of Singapore

In an effort to protect the rights of copyright owners, Hello Health Group maintains a policy for the termination, in appropriate circumstances, of subscribers and account holders of the Site who are repeat infringers.

Complete Agreement

Except as expressly provided in a particular “legal notice” on the Hello Health Group Site, these Terms and Conditions and the Hello Health Group Privacy Policy constitute the entire agreement between you and Hello Health Group with respect to the use of the Hello Health Group Site, and Content.

Thank you for your cooperation. We hope you find the Hello Health Group Site helpful and convenient to use. Questions or comments regarding this website, including any reports of non-functioning links, should be submitted using our Contact Us Form or via Singapore. mail to: Hello Health Group Pte. Ltd.Office of Privacy, 10 Anson Road, #27-15 International Plaza 079903, Singapore, Republic of Singapore

In an effort to protect the rights of copyright owners, Hello Health Group maintains a policy for the termination, in appropriate circumstances, of subscribers and account holders of the Site who are repeat infringers.

Complete Agreement

Except as expressly provided in a particular “legal notice” on the Hello Health Group Site, these Terms and Conditions and the Hello Health Group Privacy Policy constitute the entire agreement between you and Hello Health Group with respect to the use of the Hello Health Group Site, and Content.

Thank you for your cooperation. We hope you find the Hello Health Group.com Site helpful and convenient to use! Questions or comments regarding this website, including any reports of non-functioning links, should be submitted using our Contact Us Form or via Singapore. mail to: Hello Health Group Pte. Ltd.Office of Privacy, 9 Battery Road, #25-01 Straits Trading Building, Singapore 049910, Republic of Singapore.

Last modified: April 21, 2021

Health Screening