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Kybella Injection: Getting Rid Of That Double Chin

Expertly reviewed by Dexter Macalintal, MD · Internal or General Medicine

Written by China Logarta · Updated May 11, 2022

Kybella Injection: Getting Rid Of That Double Chin

The age of selfies has made us used to seeing images of our own faces from different angles, in different lights. If you look at any person’s phone, there’s a good chance you’ll see a bunch of consecutive selfies. In them, people are trying to capture the best perspective for their likeness. In some cases, there are also other angles where you’ll find a double chin. Most everybody will agree that it does nothing to contribute to a good look. In this article, we’ll be talking about the Kybella injection, how it works, and if it really does the job. 

What causes a double chin?

According to experts, a double chin is often the result of excess weight; that is, obesity. When a person gains weight, it can spread evenly throughout the body — including the face and chin. Genetic factors also come into play which affects the presence or appearance of a double chin. According to experts, lifestyle-centered techniques work best for weight loss: exercise and dieting.

Before trying a Kybella injection, you should keep in mind that ‘quick’ fixes should be regarded with caution. Experts still recommend a healthier diet and regular exercise. They also suggest potentially helpful double chin exercises and jaw exercise tools, which, coupled with a healthy diet and exercise, could produce results.

What is a Kybella injection?

Kybella, also known as deoxycholic acid, is meant to treat adults who have too much fat under the chin. It does this by eliminating fat cells that lessen the appearance of excess fat. Kybella is a Food and Drug Administration-approved non-surgical treatment. The treatment involves appropriately spaced multiple injections under the chin. Over half of patients who get a Kybella injection get six treatments in a month. However, treatment is custom-designed for each patient based on how much fat they have and what their aesthetic goals are.

Deoxycholic acid

This belongs to a class of cytolytic medications, which are designed to break down fatty tissue cells. As an injection, deoxycholic acid is administered subcutaneously; that is, under the skin.

Your doctor will want to discuss certain things you should know before getting a Kybella injection:

  • Possible allergies to deoxycholic acid or any other components in the injection
  • Prescription and non-prescription medicines, vitamins, supplements, and even herbal products you are currently taking or are planning to take (Note: Most important to mention are blood thinners, anti-platelet medications, and aspirin)
  • Cosmetic procedures you had done especially in the face, neck, or chin area
  • Signs of swelling or infection in the area where the drug will be injected
  • Plans for pregnancy, current pregnancy or breastfeeding

Risks and side effects

Despite being a non-surgical procedure, a Kybella injection still carries some risks and side effects.

  • Pain, bleeding, swelling, warmth, numbness
  • Hardness at injection site
  • Itching
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Face muscle weakness
  • Uneven smile
  • Tightness in face or neck

Does it really work?

A study showed that the procedure was highly effective at minimizing excess chin fat. According to 20 clinical trials conducted all over the world, 79% of patients who received a Kybella injection said they were happy with how they looked in the concerned areas.

Key Takeaway

Many people who have double chins want to get rid of them. One of the ways to do it is through a Kybella injection, which is a non-surgical treatment that destroys fat cells. It is administered under the skin in the area under the chin and has minimal and non-serious side effects. It’s important to consult with your doctor before you go ahead with one. However, since obesity is the root of weight gain in all areas of the body, experts recommend healthier eating choices and regular exercise. Consult a Registered Nutritionist-Dietitian and a Lifestyle Medicine Specialist for a more holistic approach.

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Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Expertly reviewed by

Dexter Macalintal, MD

Internal or General Medicine

Written by China Logarta · Updated May 11, 2022

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