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Herbs for the Hair: How To Use Aloe Vera for Hair Growth

Herbs for the Hair: How To Use Aloe Vera for Hair Growth
Herbs for the Hair: How To Use Aloe Vera for Hair Growth

Some people who experience difficulty growing their hair often search about how to use aloe vera for hair growth. But is aloe vera the best herb for hair growth? This article talks about the different herbs with the potential to grow your hair faster, naturally.

1. Rosemary

Some people use rosemary to add flavor to their meat and pasta dishes, but some purchase the essential oil for their hair and scalp care.

A 2013 research found that rosemary oil could regrow the hair of mice subjects with testosterone-related hair loss [1]. Please note that male-pattern baldness typically occurs because dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a by-product of testosterone, attacks the hair follicles.  

While the study was inconclusive, the researchers believe rosemary could help hair growth because rosemary renders DHT incapable of attacking the hair follicles.  

2. Aloe Vera

People who search about how to use aloe vera for hair growth almost always believe that the herb is effective. After all, there are numerous anecdotal reports posted online.

However, we still lack scientific proof that aloe does promote hair growth.

Still, using aloe vera for your hair and scalp care is not a bad idea, considering its potential benefits, which include:

  • Easing scalp inflammation since it has anti-inflammatory properties [2]
  • Moisturization
  • Deep cleansing [3]. Aloe vera can remove excess sebum and product residue from the hair.
  • Promotion of healthy cell growth since it contains vitamins A, C, and E [2]

Some experts believe that when hair is deeply cleansed, moisturized, and conditioned, the strands become stronger, reducing hair loss.

How To Use Aloe Vera for Hair Growth

Please keep in mind that since we still need scientific proof that aloe helps with hair growth, there’s no universally accepted way to use it for that purpose.

You may choose to apply hair care products with aloe as their active ingredient. Alternatively, you can get the gel directly from the plant and massage it to your scalp for a few minutes using your fingertips.

3. Cinnamon

Most of us only associate cinnamon with sweet scents and pastries, but did you know some studies show it can promote hair growth?

For instance, an animal study conducted in 2018 observed that cinnamon oil improved hair length in male rat subjects [4]. They even compared the effect to about 2% topical minoxidil, a common medicine for hair loss.

Researchers concluded the positive effect could be due to cinnamaldehyde, the active component in cinnamon capable of increasing blood flow to the hair follicles.

4. Peppermint

Like cinnamon, peppermint can also improve circulation in the scalp, which can promote hair growth.

In an animal study, the investigators divided the rat subjects according to their assigned topical treatment: saline, jojoba oil, minoxidil, and peppermint oil. Of the four groups, the peppermint oil group exhibited “the most prominent hair growth effects[5].”

Additional Home Remedies for Hair Growth

Besides searching for how to use aloe vera for hair growth, don’t forget the other approved home remedies that promote hair growth.

They are as follows:

  • Scalp massage. Massage improves circulation, which may help with hair growth. While you can massage your hair dry, you can also use oil, such as rosemary.
  • Avoid smoking. Cigarette toxins may seep into the hair follicles. Moreover, smoking is associated with hair loss in men at an earlier onset [6].
  • Take care of your hair by not over-shampooing, trimming split ends from time to time, being gentle when combing or brushing, and limiting the use of heat when styling.

If you have problems with hair loss or want to grow your hair faster, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor. They might give you medicines to stimulate hair growth, recommendations such as how to use aloe vera for hair growth, or provide advice on helpful lifestyle changes.

Learn more about Hair and Scalp Care here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

1) Promotion of hair growth by Rosmarinus officinalis leaf extract, Accessed September 20, 2021

2) Aloe vera: A short review, Accessed September 20, 2021

3) Isolation, Purification and Evaluation of Antibacterial Agents from Aloe vera, Accessed September 20, 2021

4) Topical application of  cinnamon (cinnamomum burmanii) essential oil has the same effectiveness as minoxidil in increasing hair length and diameter size of hair follicles in male white Wistar rats (rattus norvegicus) Accessed September 20, 2021

5) Peppermint Oil Promotes Hair Growth without Toxic Signs, Accessed September 20, 2021

6) Smoking and the skin, Accessed September 20, 2021

Current Version


Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

Medically reviewed by Martha Juco, MD

Updated by: Jan Alwyn Batara


Medically reviewed by

Martha Juco, MD


Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N. · Updated Apr 05, 2024

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