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A Parent's Guide: How to Raise Tolerant Kids

A Parent's Guide: How to Raise Tolerant Kids
A Parent's Guide: How to Raise Tolerant Kids

Today, we are surrounded by so many people of different races, religions, gender, disabilities, and other differences. And as a parent, you must teach your child to be open and respectful of every person they meet. So how do you raise tolerant kids? Find out here. 

Importance of Tolerance 

Tolerance is an attitude of fairness, openness, and respect for differences that appear in our society. It also means learning from other people’s differences, and valuing their cultures and lifestyles. It is about accepting people the way they are and treating them how you wish to be treated. 

The best way to teach your child about tolerance is by being a tolerant person yourself. Lead by example. Children learn and imitate what they see, so your child grows and develops by watching you and patterning your actions towards them and the people around you. 

Importance of Unbiased Behavior

It is very important for you to teach your child to be impartial. Growing up, your child learns attitudes by seeing you and other adults reacting to other people and situations. 

If you want to instill tolerance, you have to show tolerance and acceptance as well. The way you behave and how you deal with others affects your child’s behavior and development too. 

Tips to Raise Tolerant Kids

Use Media Tools to Raise Tolerant Kids

The widespread effect of media and popular culture may shape a child’s mindset. Therefore, use media tools such as books, music, art or television as a means to teach tolerance to your kid. Together with your child, point out the stereotypes and biased practices that are apparent in the media and ask your child to always be mindful of these types of messaging in media. 

Word Usage

After learning from the media, your kid knows about the prejudiced words that are often offensive to certain groups of people. Teach them about word usage and how it can hurt people, if not used properly and correctly. Ask your kids to not use bad and insulting words that may hurt people. Teach them to value other people’s choices and cultures while trying to understand their expression. 


The more exposed kids are to cultural and lifestyle differences, the more adaptable they become. Give your kids opportunities to meet people. Also, point out and acknowledge the differences in your own home.

Teach your kid about the traditions and that they should honor the values of the family. Furthermore, teach your kid to embrace the uniqueness. Kids who feel uncertain about themselves tend to give other people bad treatment. Make them feel valued, loved and respected so that they will treat other people the same way.

Be a Role Model While You Raise Tolerant Kids

Beware of your own attitudes. If you want your kid to learn about tolerance, you have to demonstrate respect for different values. Kids have very attentive ears, so be careful with the way you talk with people. Whether unintentionally or not, do not make jokes that can provoke a stereotypical sense in your kid.

Teaching tolerance is an important part of a kid’s development and a key to success in the future. All in all, kids who know how to be tolerant and unbiased are open to more opportunities in various aspects of life. 

However, as a parent, you should always guide your child and help improve their behavior. Parents should help instill these core values in children to help them grow into good people.

Learn more about Parenting here



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How to Teach Your Child About Tolerance and Respect/ on 13/11/2019

How To Teach Your Kids About Tolerance/ on 13/11/2019

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Current Version


Written by Nikita Bhalla

Medically reviewed by Mae Charisse Antalan, MD

Updated by: Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

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General Practitioner

Written by Nikita Bhalla · Updated Jul 15, 2022

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