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Play Pen for Baby: Safety Tips Parents Need to Know

Play Pen for Baby: Safety Tips Parents Need to Know
Play Pen for Baby: Safety Tips Parents Need to Know

When it comes to a play pen for your baby, it’s important to focus on both comfort and safety for your little one. But aside from buying the right kind of play pen for baby, parents also need to know some basic safety tips to prevent accidents from happening.

Read on to learn more about these safety tips.

Play Pen for Baby: 7 Tips You Need to Know

1. Choose a good quality play pen for baby

First and foremost, it is important to choose a reputable brand of play pen for your baby. Resist the urge to buy them used, or to settle for a cheaper, yet unknown brand.

This is because used play pens, and those from unknown brands, can have questionable build quality. They could easily get damaged, or become prone to wear and tear, and cause injury for your baby.

Remember, it’s always a good idea to spend a little extra for your baby’s safety, as well as your peace of mind.

2. Always keep an eye on your baby

One important thing to remember when it comes to a play pen for baby is that it’s not meant for unsupervised play. This means that if you’re leaving your baby inside their play pen, be sure to keep an eye on them at all times.

If you have a babysitter, it’s also important to remind them to always watch your baby, and to not leave them unsupervised in the play pen. If stepping out can’t be avoided, it is important to do so only for very short periods of time.

3. Don’t let them stay in it for too long

Another important thing for parents to remember is to not leave your child inside the play pen for too long. They are meant for short-term use, and not as a baby’s permanent play area.

This is because babies need to move around, and explore their surroundings. Letting them stay inside a play pen for long periods of time can potentially stall their development.

4. Avoid adding stuffed toys or pillows

It’s not uncommon for moms and dads to add stuffed toys or pillows to decorate the play pen for baby. However, this is a bad idea, as these things can potentially serve as choking hazards for babies.

It’s also possible for babies to use these toys to climb out of their play pen, and potentially hurt themselves.

Ideally, play pens should have very few to no toys at all in order to prevent accidents from occurring.

5. Always check if the play pen has any damage

Over time, play pens can get damaged or some defects might appear. These can be a cause for accidents, so parents need to regularly check their baby’s play pen.

See if there are any exposed sharp points or metal parts. Padding that has been damaged or foam that has been exposed can also cause harm to babies.

6. Don’t set it near an open window, door, or stairs

It’s also important to take into consideration where you’re placing your baby’s play pen. Don’t place it near doors, open windows, or stairs, as this can potentially lead to accidents.

An ideal place would be somewhere that you can easily supervise your baby, and far from any objects that could fall on them and hurt them.

7. Know that a play pen for baby is different from a crib

Lastly, play pens are different from cribs. Cribs are designed for babies to sleep in, while play pens are more for short-term play.

It’s important to avoid using your play pen as a crib, since most play pens are not designed for babies to sleep in overnight. Be sure to read the safety instructions of the play pen that you’re buying, and follow it to the letter, to make sure your baby is safe and protected.

Key Takeaways

A play pen for baby is a great addition to your home. They provide a space for babies to play in, and for parents to keep an eye on their babies. However, it’s also important to know and follow the safety tips for using play pens properly to avoid accidents.

Learn more about Baby Care here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Nursery/Playroom Continued – Child Development & Parenting: Infants (0-2),, Accessed April 26, 2021

Playpen safety –,, Accessed April 26, 2021

Choosing Safe Baby Products: Playpens (for Parents) – Nemours KidsHealth,, Accessed April 26, 2021

Playpen Safety,, Accessed April 26, 2021

Playpen Safety –,, Accessed April 26, 2021

Current Version


Written by Jan Alwyn Batara

Medically reviewed by Ruben Macapinlac, MD, DPPS

Updated by: Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

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Ruben Macapinlac, MD, DPPS

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Written by Jan Alwyn Batara · Updated Oct 18, 2021

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