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Gamot sa Pigsa ng Baby: How Do You Treat Boils in Babies?

Gamot sa Pigsa ng Baby: How Do You Treat Boils in Babies?
Gamot sa Pigsa ng Baby: How Do You Treat Boils in Babies?

One of the more common skin conditions that babies can have is pigsa or boils. Pigsa ng baby is a skin condition that causes a painful swelling of the skin, with a white or yellowish “head” or tip. It is always recommended to seek treatment for boils or carbuncles. Read on to learn more about mga gamot sa pigsa ng baby, how you can treat it, and how it can be prevented.

What Causes Pigsa ng Baby?

The main cause of pigsa ng baby or boils is a hair follicle that has been infected by the staph bacteria, or Staphylococcus aureus. This happens when bacteria gets inside the hair follicle because of scratching or friction. It can also be caused when dirt or a foreign object gets inside the follicle.

Boils can appear throughout the body, but are more common in the groin area, armpits, thighs, legs, and the face.

Here are some of the usual symptoms of boils:

  • Looks like a reddish lump or swelling on the skin
  • Painful, even if not being touched
  • Feels stiff at first, then becomes filled with pus after a week
  • Can also look like a large pimple

Boils usually start as a small, stiff lump on the skin, but quickly grow to be painful, and reddish lumps. After about a week, it gets filled with pus and can feel softer.

It might be tempting to squeeze, or pop a boil, especially since it looks like a large pimple, it’s generally not a good idea, especially for babies. This is because aside from being painful, squeezing or popping the boil can spread the bacteria, or even cause it to go into the bloodstream.

Boils, especially on a baby, should only be popped by doctors to avoid infections.

Ano ang Gamot sa Pigsa ng Baby?

There are a number of different gamot sa pigsa ng baby. These can help relieve pain, prevent infection, and stop boils from becoming more serious problems.

Here are some of the things that parents can do:

Practice Good Hygiene

Boils spread easily, especially if proper hygiene is not practiced. So it’s important to keep the area around the boil clean, and to quickly wipe away any pus or blood immediately. It’s important to wash the area with soap and water frequently.

Be sure to wash your hands after wiping the boil in order to avoid being infected yourself, or spreading it to others.

Use a Warm Compress

For painful boils, a warm compress can help give some relief. Be sure to use a clean piece of cloth, and to disinfect it thoroughly after using it on the boil.

Don’t Pop or Squeeze It

Squeezing or popping the boil is not advised as not only is it painful, but it can also spread the infection further. As much as possible, try to leave the popping to a doctor, and do your best to keep the area clean and provide temporary relief to your child.

Consult Your Doctor

If the boil doesn’t drain on its own, is growing bigger, or is not healing, don’t hesitate to consult your doctor. They would best be able to know what to do with your child’s boil, and they can properly treat it to make sure it heals and to avoid further infection. They will also provide the proper gamot sa pigsa ng baby.

How Can It Be Prevented?

Here are some ways to prevent boils:

  • Clean your child’s beddings, as well as their towels in hot water.
  • If your child has scrapes or wounds, be sure to disinfect them and keep them clean.
  • Make sure to practice proper hygiene, and keep your baby as clean and germ-free as you can
  • Taking baths everyday can also help prevent boils.

By following these tips, you can reduce the chances that your child will develop boils. These tips are also effective if your child has recurring boils. Of course, always consult your doctor regarding the best means and best gamot sa pigsa ng baby.

Learn more about Baby Care here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Boils (abscesses),, Accessed May 25, 2021

Boil,, Accessed May 25, 2021

How To Treat & When To Seek Help For Boils | KidsHealth NZ,, Accessed May 25, 2021

Abscesses & boils in children & teens | Raising Children Network,, Accessed May 25, 2021

Boils and Carbuncles: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment for Children | St. Louis Childrens Hospital,, Accessed May 25, 2021

Current Version


Written by Jan Alwyn Batara

Medically reviewed by Ruben Macapinlac, MD, DPPS

Updated by: Jan Alwyn Batara

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Medically reviewed by

Ruben Macapinlac, MD, DPPS

Pediatrics · Philippine Pediatric Society

Written by Jan Alwyn Batara · Updated Aug 03, 2023

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