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Baby Care Tips for New Moms and Dads — From Burping to Changing Diapers

Baby Care Tips for New Moms and Dads — From Burping to Changing Diapers
Baby Care Tips for New Moms and Dads — From Burping to Changing Diapers

There are many different emotions a woman experiences when she sees those two lines on a pregnancy test. Sometimes, it may lead to happy tears. Or a first-time mom can also feel scared and anxious about what is to come — a feeling that can be overwhelming when you first hold your newborn in your arms. Knowing what to do can be helpful during this joyous time. This article provides some basic baby care tips for new moms, from how to hold your baby to how to feed and burp them, and more. 

It is inevitable for first-time moms to have many questions. These can range from the most basic ones like how to hold a newborn baby or how to bathe them.  To be responsible for your newborn can be quite a challenging role. Below are baby care tips for new moms — and dads — that you can follow to have a healthy baby in the early months and beyond. 

Baby Care Tips for New Moms and Dads

Carrying Your Baby

Before anything else, it is important that you have clean hands. Newborn babies are prone to infection as they don’t have strong immune systems yet. 

Once you are clean, gently carry your bundle of joy and remember: 

  • Make sure to provide support to your baby’s head and neck while carrying.
  • Keep in mind that a newborn is not yet ready for rough play. Avoid any activity that could be too rough or too bouncy for the infant to handle.
  • Do not shake them. You may feel like doing it for fun or out of frustration, but shaking might result in brain hemorrhage and even death. You may want to try tickling or gently blowing on their cheeks if you wish to wake them up. 

Feeding and Burping Your Baby

A newborn baby requires feeding every 2 to 3 hours. If you are breastfeeding, let your infant latch for 10-15 minutes at each breast.

If you are formula-feeding, your infant will most likely consume 2-3 ounces (60-90 milliliters) per sitting.

They may signal you that they need to eat when they start sobbing, place their fingers in the mouth, or make noises for you to notice them.

Moreover, babies frequently ingest air during feeding times, which can cause them to be fussy. In order to prevent this, allow them to burp it out.  

Here are some baby care tips for new moms on how to burp the baby:

  • Place your baby’s head on your shoulder while holding them in an upright position with the baby’s tummy/abdomen pressed on your body or with the baby facing you. Support your baby’s head and back with one hand while gently patting the back with another.
  • When in a sitting position, place your infant in a sitting position on your lap too. Support both their chest and head with one hand by cradling the chin. With your other hand, softly touch your baby’s back.
  • Have your baby in a face-down position. Continue supporting your baby’s head while gently rubbing the back.

Changing the Diaper of Your Baby

After feeding, babies may require regular diaper changes. Do not leave them in a wet or dirty nappy for an extended period of time. This is because their pee and the bacteria in their poo can cause skin irritation, other infections (such as UTI) and diaper rashes.

Lay your baby on the back after each poo time, or if the diaper is damp, and remove the dirty diaper. Gently wipe their genital area clean with water, cotton balls, a washcloth, or wipes. For baby girls, make sure to wipe from front to back. 

Always make sure you have diaper ointment to use with every diaper change to prevent or heal rashes that may take place. Fully wash your hands before and after cleaning your baby. 

Bathing Your Baby

In the first few days, you do not have to bathe your infant. You may opt to carefully wash their face, neck, hands, and bottom instead. This is known as the top and tail method.

In the first year, bathing two or three times per week would be enough for your child. Frequent bathing can cause the skin to dry.

Bonding and Soothing Your Baby

Begin bonding with your infant by cradling and gently caressing them in several different ways. 

They typically enjoy vocal sounds like chatting, babbling, singing, and cooing. Baby toys and musical mobiles are also great ways to stimulate your baby’s hearing. If your baby is fussy, try humming or reciting nursery rhymes.

Swaddling is another soothing method that first-time parents can practice. It works effectively for certain newborns during their first few weeks. Administering it properly keeps a baby’s arms close to the body while allowing for some leg movement. Aside from keeping a baby warm, it also gives most babies a sense of security and comfort, like a tight hug. 

Furthermore, swaddling may also assist to reduce the startle reaction, which can wake a sleeping newborn. It is also a comfortable position for newborns as being in a swaddle simulates the feeling of when they were still inside the womb.

Key Takeaways

Having a newborn can be stressful and joyful. But, above all else, it is also rewarding and fulfilling to get to know your little one and see your child growing well. Being prepared with baby care tips for new moms can help reduce the stress and worry.  

Also, do remember to take care of yourself amidst the chaos. Your support system is there to help and guide you in the process.

Keep this list of baby care tips for new moms close to you as you might need to pass it on to a friend or two soon. 

Learn more about Parenting here.


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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New mums: the first weeks,, Accessed December 2, 2021

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Tips for First-time Moms on Pre-pregnancy, Pregnancy, and Postpartum,,-Pregnan, Accessed December 2, 2021

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Current Version


Written by Fiel Tugade

Medically reviewed by Regina Victoria Boyles, MD

Updated by: Vincent Sales

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Written by Fiel Tugade · Updated Jun 23, 2022

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