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Do COVID Antibodies Protect Against The Delta Variant?

Medically reviewed by Michael Henry Wanat · Respiratory Therapy

Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N. · Updated Apr 21, 2022

Do COVID Antibodies Protect Against The Delta Variant?

Recent data show that people who previously got sick with COVID-19 in the initial wave of the pandemic have a lower risk of contracting the Delta variant than those who had two shots of the Pfizer vaccine. Do COVID antibodies protect against the Delta variant? Find out here. 

Vaccine Protection From Delta Wanes After Some Time

Before we shed light on whether COVID antibodies protect against the Delta variant, let’s first talk about vaccines. 

One report analyzing Pfizer and AstraZeneca discovered that initially, both vaccines offer protection against the Delta variant after two doses. But the immunity diminishes over time. 

The study elaborated that 14 days after the second shot, the Pfizer vaccine is 92% effective in keeping people from acquiring a high viral load. But the protection drops to 78% after about 90 days. Similarly, AstraZeneca is 69% effective against high viral load 14 days after the second dose. But 90 days after, the immunity drops to 61%. 

The Good News For Recovered Patients…

Do COVID antibodies protect against the Delta variant? A large-scale study shows that they do. Researchers found that reinfection is far less common among recovered patients than Pfizer-vaccinated individuals. 

Reports say people who received both doses of the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine are six times more likely to contract the Delta variant. They are also seven times more likely to develop symptoms than patients who already gained acquired immunity from infection.

In other words, people who previously had COVID-19 are less likely to acquire the Delta variant, develop the symptoms, and require hospitalizations. 

…Shouldn’t Discourage Them From Getting The Vaccines

While the study results are great news for those who have already recovered from COVID-19, it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t get the vaccines when it’s their turn. 

After all, another study pointed out that the best-protected group is individuals who had a previous COVID-19 infection and are fully vaccinated

Besides, the chance of reinfection considers various factors, like your immune system, overall health, genetics, the variant you were exposed to, and how you were exposed. 

The bottom line, according to experts, is one shouldn’t be complacent just because they already recovered from COVID-19. 

So, Can You Get The Vaccine After Recovering From COVID-19?

Do COVID antibodies protect against the Delta variant? Several studies show they do. Still, experts discourage the public from relying on acquired immunity, as vaccination is still the best way to stay protected. 

In their guidelines, the Department of Health said that people who had COVID could have their vaccine as soon as they recovered or finished their treatment. 

The Dangers of “Choosing” COVID-19 Over Vaccines

Vaccine hesitancy remains to be one of the reasons why people refuse to get the life-saving jabs. People have fears that the vaccines are rushed and therefore harmful and ineffective. 

But contracting the COVID-19 is even more dangerous. 

Sure, we’ve heard that most cases are mild and only require home treatment and quarantine. But no one’s sure if they will react with a the mild infection. You see, while many health institutions identify the elderly and people with comorbidities as vulnerable to severe conditions, we’ve also heard of young, healthy people needing hospitalization and mechanical ventilation. 

Vaccines remove the possibility of severe infections and hospital confinement. You might experience some side effects, but those are common and resolve on their own within a short period. 

Key Takeaways

Do COVID antibodies protect against the Delta variant? 

Some studies show that the most protected from the Delta variant are those individuals who had the vaccine and recovered from COVID-19 infection. But you don’t have to acquire COVID to gain immunity. Experts say the best way to protect yourself and your family is still through vaccination.

Learn more about Coronavirus here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Medically reviewed by

Michael Henry Wanat

Respiratory Therapy

Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N. · Updated Apr 21, 2022

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