Due Date Calculator

Want to know when your baby is due to be born? Find out with our pregnancy due date calculator.

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Is the due date calculator accurate?

The due date calculator is an estimate of how far along you are in your pregnancy, and when you are due to give birth. While it is based on a calculation of the first day of your last period and the average length of your menstrual cycle or when you conceived, note that this is not a 100% guarantee.

Is the due date calculator more accurate for in-vitro fertilization (IVF) pregnancy?

In a sense, it is more accurate for women who conceived through IVF or in-vitro fertilization. However, due dates can vary due to a number of factors – it is best to consult your doctor if you have concerns.

How long is the gestation period?

The gestation period refers to the length of time a woman is pregnant – from conception to birth. A normal pregnancy ranges from 38 to 42 weeks. The best time for babies to be born is between 39 to 40 weeks. When an infant is born before 37 weeks, that birth is considered premature. A birth after 42 weeks is considered postmature.

What is gestational age?

The gestational age describes how far along a pregnancy is. The current gestational age is measured from the first day of the woman’s last menstrual cycle, and is tied to the stage of the baby’s development – such as whether hands and feet have formed.

How many weeks make up a full-term pregnancy?

A full-term pregnancy averages about 40 weeks. Premature babies or infants born before 39 weeks are at risk of breathing problems, low blood sugar, feeding problems, newborn jaundice, and may end up staying at the hospital longer.

Am I at risk of preterm birth?

Pregnant women who are carrying twins or triplets are at a higher risk of preterm birth. Other factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure, smoking, drinking, a short time between pregnancies, a history of infertility (including women who got pregnant through in-vitro fertilization or IVF), and a lack of prenatal care can also lead to preterm births.

How can I ensure a full-term and healthy pregnancy?

While preterm births are sometimes inevitable, there are steps you can take to prevent giving birth before your due date. Staying happy and healthy throughout your pregnancy can ensure a normal birth. It is important to seek prenatal care right away to reduce the risk of pregnancy complications. If you drink or smoke, stop. If you are feeling unwell, seek help from your healthcare provider so they can immediately diagnose your condition.

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