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Warning Signs of Mild Stroke

Warning Signs of Mild Stroke

Stroke is a health condition wherein the brain does not get the blood that it needs. It could be mild to severe, with mild cases sometimes harder to detect until it happens. Nevertheless, it is essential for patients to get treatment as early as possible to reduce the chances of permanent brain damage, disability, or even death. Here are the warning signs of mild stroke, especially families with medical histories of stroke.

The BE FAST Method

The BE FAST method is the most common way to check the most common symptoms of mild stroke. You can do this on yourself or the person in question. Here’s how to do it:

Balance. Ask the person if they have a problem with their balance.

Eyes. Ask if they have any issue with seeing in one or both eyes.

Face. Ask the person to smile. If one side droops, that’s one warning sign of a stroke.

Arms. Now, ask the person to raise both their arms. Does one of the arms drop down?

Speech. Ask the person to say a short phrase and listen for any slurred or strange speech.

Time. Quick action is required if you find any of the symptoms using the BE FAST method. Call 911 quickly and note down the symptoms.

When it comes to stroke, whether mild or severe, time is of the essence. The minutes that pass by could determine the effect of the stroke, which means the faster you get treatment, the milder the stroke will be, and the faster you can recover. Each second that passes by could mean around 32,000 brain cells lost.

However, your mild stroke could turn into a more severe issue if you fail to get the medical attention you require as soon as possible.

Driving yourself to the ER might be futile and dangerous as one part of your body will be harder to control – sometimes even impossible. You may not be able to drive well and get into an accident, making your situation much worse. Calling an emergency medical team will provide an assessment within the next minutes and can increase your chances of getting a faster treatment.

Mild Stroke vs. Severe Stroke: What’s the Difference?

Warning Signs of Mild Stroke

Mild stroke typically happens gradually. But in some cases, it could happen all of a sudden. Sudden symptoms of a mild stroke include the following:

  • Dizziness
  • Issues seeing with one or both eyes
  • Numbness or weakness on one side of the body, including the face, arms, and legs
  • Feeling “pins and needles” on the affected side of the body
  • Loss of sensation
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Problems with walking
  • Difficulty in maintaining balance
  • Confusion and trouble in understanding others
  • Difficulty in speaking
  • Severe headache that comes suddenly
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Behavioral changes
  • Involuntary eye movements

Again, you need to do the BE FAST method in order to check whether someone is having a stroke.

In some cases, these symptoms are caused by a transient ischemic attack or TIA, otherwise known as a “mini-stroke.” Most TIA symptoms disappear on their own and the person recovers without any deficits. However, the person has an increased risk for another TIA or even full-blown stroke. Those who suffer from mild and severe strokes wherein the body could becan expect to be permanently affected. 

If you suspect you or someone is having a stroke, call 911 immediately to avoid permanent damages to your system.

How to Prevent a Stroke from Happening

Other Important Reminders

If you’re on your own and you suffer from a stroke, it would be hard to communicate with people around you or the ambulance workers, which is why everyone is encouraged to have a medical bracelet or card in their wallets. It should state your name, age, blood type, emergency contacts, medical history, allergies, and/or any medication that you take. This gives the rescuers more information that they can use to better assess the situation and provide treatment. 

Never disregard any of the symptoms, thinking they would go away as in most cases of TIA. Always seek medical attention should you observe any of the warning signs of mild stroke.

Once you deem someone is having a stroke and you have called 911, ensure that the patient is comfortable. Always put their heads slightly raised in case they vomit and avoid choking. Remind them to be calm and reassure them that help is coming. 

Everyone Can Suffer From a Stroke

Another important stroke fact that everyone should be aware of is that anyone could suffer from it. We tend to watch out for the warning signs of stroke in middle-aged to elderly people. But the truth is, young adults, teens, and even children could suffer from one, albeit much rarer than those in adults.

Key Takeaways

Stroke is common and could happen to anyone; sometimes it occurs so suddenly that you won’t know it has hit you. There are treatments readily available for anyone who suffers from it. However, that doesn’t mean you should take it lightly. Quick response and treatment lessen your chances of having a difficult life due to the permanent damages of stroke. So in instances wherein you observe the warning signs of mild stroke, think and act fast and always call medical help. 

Learn more about Stroke and Aneurysm here. 



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Current Version


Written by Kip Soliva

Medically reviewed by Nicole Aliling, MD

Updated by: Kristel Lagorza

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Written by Kip Soliva · Updated Dec 15, 2020

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