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How To Shave Pubic Hair: Here’s How To Do It Safely

How To Shave Pubic Hair: Here’s How To Do It Safely
How To Shave Pubic Hair: Here’s How To Do It Safely

Pubic hair is something that a lot of people don’t think twice about shaving off. While there are merits to keeping your pubic hair, it’s also fine to shave your pubic hair off. Though, if you decide on the latter, it’s important to know how to shave pubic hair properly.

Read on to learn more about pubic hair, and to learn some important tips to shave it safely and properly.

Should you or should you not shave your pubic hair?

Pubic hair is hair that’s found around the genitals. Everyone has pubic hair, and it doesn’t really pose any problems if you just let it grow out. In fact, one theory is that pubic hair can help reduce friction during intercourse. Pubic hair essentially acts as a buffer to reduce friction; so instead of skin rubbing on skin, it’s hair rubbing on hair.

Shaving your pubic hair can cause problems, especially if you don’t do it the right way. It can sometimes lead to cuts, irritation, ingrown hairs, or even an infection1. Sometimes, you can even get burns if you use products, such as shaving cream, that your skin is sensitive to.

But at the end of the day, it’s still a personal choice. It’s perfectly fine to shave your pubic hair, but it’s important to be aware of the possible risks of doing so. Certain folks find that shaved pubic hair makes it easier for them to clean their genitals. Having no hair also removes the risk of having pubic lice, since there’s no hair for the lice to latch onto.

Some people also mistakenly believe that pubic hair grows thicker once you shave it. This is a myth, as the hair that grows back is the same as the hair that you’ve shaved off.

Though if you do decide to do it, it’s important to know how to shave your pubic hair safely. This way, you can minimize the risk of infection and other problems caused by shaving.

How to shave pubic hair: Here’s how to do it safely

Here are some important things to remember when shaving your pubic hair:

Trim off some of the hair before shaving

If your pubic hair is a bit long, trimming off some of the hair can help make it easier to shave. Using a razor on long pubic hair can be difficult, and you can accidentally cut yourself.

In fact, you might even be okay with just trimming off your pubic hair instead of shaving it off completely!

Use a shaving cream or gel

Before shaving, you can wash your genitals in warm water, or use a shaving cream or gel. This makes shaving easier and prevents cuts and irritation2.

Use a brand new safety razor

As much as possible, use a new safety razor when shaving your pubic hair. This ensures that it is sharp and sterile. A dull razor makes shaving difficult and increases the chances of cutting your skin.

Pull the skin tight, and don’t apply too much pressure

When shaving, try to pull your skin tight. This helps the razor cut the hair more smoothly and prevents cuts on your skin. Also, avoid applying too much pressure since the razor can accidentally give you a cut if you push too hard3.

Wash it with warm water

Once you’re done, use warm water to wash off the hair and shaving cream.

Use a lotion or cream afterwards

Lastly, you should apply a lotion or a cream that’s made specifically for your genitals. This helps relieve irritation after shaving4.

Key Takeaways

It is important to remember that shaving your pubic hair is not mandatory, especially if you don’t like it. It’s perfectly fine to have pubic hair. And so long as you maintain proper hygiene, you won’t have any problems.

Though, if you prefer having shaved or trimmed pubic hair, it is important to be aware of the risks, and to know how to do it the right way.

Learn more about Sexual Wellness here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

  1. Pubic hair removal: Are there benefits? – Mayo Clinic,, Accessed January 4, 2021
  2. Removing Pubic Hair | Center for Young Women’s Health,, Accessed January 4, 2021
  3. Pubic Hair Removal: Shaving | Sutter Health,, Accessed January 4, 2021
  4. THE GROOMED GROIN,, Accessed January 4, 2021
  5. Why does it hurt after I shave my pubic hair? Why does it grow so fast?,, Accessed January 4, 2021

Current Version


Written by Jan Alwyn Batara

Expertly reviewed by Dexter Macalintal, MD

Updated by: Dexter Macalintal, MD

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Written by Jan Alwyn Batara · Updated Mar 03, 2022

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