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Baby Development: Your Baby’s 10th Month of Life

Baby Development: Your Baby’s 10th Month of Life

There is so much to be excited about as your baby begins to become more active and reach their milestones. It is important that you keep them engaged through play and other 10 month old baby activities.

Your baby will also be just two months away from their very first birthday! A lot of exciting developmental milestones will be scheduled to take place from this month onwards, and soon enough your baby will be talking and walking. 

For now, cherish all the remaining moments you have with your baby before they become a toddler.

A Quick Look at Your Baby’s First Year Milestones

How Your Baby is Growing

Compared to the initial months of your baby’s life, your baby’s growth at 10 months will start to slow down. Your doctor should have plotted your baby’s growth on a growth chart, which will be able to show you how your baby has been developing.

It is important to refer to this birth chart to determine any changes in the growth rate of your baby.

It’s important to look out for the following patterns in your child’s growth chart:

  • A change in the growth pattern of your baby’s weight or height. Usually, a baby’s growth follows a steady pattern, so if there is suddenly a drop this may indicate a problem.
  • If a baby’s height isnot growing at the same rate as their weight, this may also signal an issue with their development.

At this age, your baby should be gaining about 13 ounces each month. By the time they turn a year old, they should have tripled their birth weight.

Baby girls and baby boys may also differ in length. Most 10-month old baby boys should be around 28.9 inches long while baby girls maybe 28.1 inches long.

Developmental Milestones 

Your 10-month old baby will be very curious about the things and activities around them. Allowing them to play and explore is crucial in encouraging the development of their different senses. Physical and mental milestones you can look forward to this month are the following:

Physical Development and Movements

  • Your baby will be able to stand up from a seated position if they have something to pull on. They may also be able to “cruise” along furniture, meaning move when they are holding on to the edge of a sofa or a bed.
  • They may try to take a few steps without support.
  • Your baby might start to show if they are right-handed or left-handed.
  • They may be able to grasp finger foods and feed themselves.

Language and Communication

  • Your baby might be able to understand a few words or questions. If you ask where their daddy or other family member is, they may turn in that direction. 
  • Your baby will be able to understand if you are saying or calling their name.
  • Your baby will be able to say certain syllables like “ga”, “ba”, or “ma”. They may even say “Mama” and link that word to you.
  • They can now follow one-step command without gesture.

Cognitive Development

  • By now, your baby will be able to understand the concept of object permanence. This concept refers to being able to understand that things exist even if they are not within your line of sight. If your baby used to cry whenever you left the room, now they may be able to understand that you are still there even when they cannot see you.
  • Your baby will be able to see things when they are far.
  • Your baby might begin to prefer some foods over others.
  • Your baby will like to imitate other people’s gestures or sounds.

Feeding & Nutrition

During your baby’s 10 month, their main source of nutrition should still be breast milk or formula milk. However, soft solid foods should now be part of their diet.

10 month old baby activities

It is important to incorporate as much fruits and veggies in their diet. It is also important to start introducing new foods to their diet like meat, dairy, or whole grain. 

At this stage, some babies may refuse foods that you introduce to them. However, it is important to keep trying because it may take several attempts to get your baby to like new food.

Make sure to cut up bigger sized foods into small pieces for your baby to grasp and nibble on. Also, cook or steam veggies so that they will be soft enough for your baby to chew. 

Nutrition ABCs: Healthy and Unhealthy Food for Kids

Baby Care Tips

Taking care of your 10 month old baby will be a breeze if you know what to prepare for in their activities.

Here are a few must-knows to help keep your baby safe and happy:

  • During diaper changes, try giving your baby something they can play with so it will not be as difficult. Try sticking a piece of tape on their finger, but make sure they do not put it in their mouth.
  • Help your baby learn how to eat by themselves by giving them food that can easily stick to spoons. 
  • Allow your baby to drink from cups even if they make a mess when doing it. This will make the transition from bottle to cup, or weaning easier.
  • Keep your baby’s toys in containers like woven or plastic baskets, or cardboard boxes. If you should opt for a toy chest, make sure to get one that does not have a heavy lid or hinges and locks that may hurt your baby’s fingers.
  • Make sure to keep hazardous items like medicine or sharp objects away from your baby’s reach to prevent accidents like choking and poisoning


By this time, your baby will be mostly sleeping throughout the night. They may be asleep for 11 to 15 hours for every 24 hour period and will take about 2 naps per day. What is important is to remember is to never let them nap late in the afternoon so they do not have difficulty sleeping throughout the night.

What Can I Do to Help my Baby Grow?

At this age, your baby will be curious about everything. This is the perfect time to get them brightly colored toys with different shapes and textures. Playing, singing, talking, and reading to them will also benefit their development.

Here are a few activities you can do with your baby:

  • Give them plastic bowls or cups they can stack.
  • Set aside a time to read with your baby. Purchase books especially made for them, like books with flaps, fabric, and different textures. 
  • Play peek-a-boo with your baby.

Best Play Activities for Babies (3 Months to 1 Year)

What to Watch Out For and When to See a Doctor

If you are worried about your baby not reaching the same milestones as other babies, always keep in mind that not all babies grow and develop at the same rate. Consult your doctor if your baby shows any of the following:

  • Doesn’t crawl or isn’t able to crawl with their entire body.
  • Is not able to stand even if you pull them up.
  • Does not babble.
  • Is not able to see objects that are far away.
  • Redness of the eyes accompanied by discharge. Your baby might also be scratching their eyes more often.
  • Does not respond to noises.

Key Takeaways

At 10 months old, you should expect your baby to be more active and curious. This means that they will be crawling and exploring wherever they can.

If you are concerned about your child’s development, it is best to consult your baby’s physician. 

Learn more about Parenting here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Your Baby’s Growth: 10 Months,, Accessed July 19, 2020

Infant development: Milestones from 10 to 12 months,, Accessed July 19, 2020

Object Permanence,, Accessed July 19, 2020

10 Months,, Accessed July 19, 2020

Your Growing Child: 10 to 12 Months,, Accessed July 19, 2020


Current Version


Written by Kip Soliva

Medically reviewed by Jobelle Ann Dela Cruz Bigalbal, MD

Updated by: Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

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Medically reviewed by

Jobelle Ann Dela Cruz Bigalbal, MD

General Practitioner

Written by Kip Soliva · Updated May 24, 2021

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